D/C Ever After: Prince of Persia

Jul 07, 2011 19:55

A drawing for dc_everafter (just a quickie, sorry T-T). The prompt was Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
raths_kitten came up with the prompt and the title (Amulet of Destiny), but right now the fic isn't available yet. I'll put the link here when the fic is finished :)

I have read some parts of the fic. Castiel is a prince of the Persian empire, and Dean is the prince of the Lawrence kingdom :D

Prompt:Prince of Persia
:Dean/Castiel, AU
:PoP: The Sands of Time, PoP 2008 game

I based Castiel's outfit on the 2008 game. As a warning, it was a completely different story and it isn't the game that the movie was based on.
But it was just for the outfit. After all there are two princes to be clothed here, and although Dastan is more Castiel's role, his costume kinda fits Dean better :p
Personally I prefer them unclothed :p


Pic requested by raths_kitten for the fic.
There's a sandstorm and the princes have to wait it out in a tent, sexy time ensues :)


Hehe the fic isn't finished yet but I just wanted to draw something for the future PDF cover ^^

Art dump

Random drawings I made on some lunch breaks :p These have nothing to do with the fic, though. There was one more pic of costume concepts, but I seem to have misplaced it :/
And heheh pardon that last pic, I was curious how Cas would look like in 2008 Prince's turban XD

  • Prince of Persia font
    The font quite resembles the real PoP game logo (just use the caps and add gradients on it) :) But, I wouldn't recommend using the smaller case.
  • Dragon motif
    I think there's some kind of shape at the back of 2008 Prince's coat (?), but can't remember what exactly, so I just used this ^^;
  • Rug motif
    For the PDF cover.

I'm afraid that's all for now ^^;
Thanks for viewing :)

art: fan art, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: slash, art: speedy, fandom: supernatural

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