Hobbit fic -- By the Falls of Imladris

Dec 02, 2013 17:19

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted! I blame my evil twin, selenak for this story, and penknife of course. I usually like to write pairings of older characters, but this is getting ridiculous.

Gandalf/Galadriel, the night after Thorin and the company leave Rivendell.

By the Falls of Imladris )

lord of the rings

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Comments 28

penknife December 3 2013, 14:48:13 UTC
I really do love this!


artaxastra December 3 2013, 17:26:36 UTC
I'm so glad that you do!


(The comment has been removed)

artaxastra December 4 2013, 22:50:17 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased you like it! They were unexpectedly super fun.


tricksterquinn December 3 2013, 21:21:36 UTC
Oh, I like that so much!


artaxastra December 4 2013, 22:50:39 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


mari4212 December 4 2013, 10:50:35 UTC
Beautiful and believable. I loved this glimpse of Galadriel as a person, and the images of Gandalf with dirt stained hands. That truly does say everything that needs to be said about him.


artaxastra December 4 2013, 23:22:11 UTC
Thank you! The dirt stained hands was something that struck me so much in the Rivendell scene, because he's obviously had time to bathe and put on clean clothes, but the grime hasn't come out. And oh yes, she's a person with weaknesses and needs of her own that the hobbits can't even imagine.


nenya_kanadka December 4 2013, 12:21:29 UTC
Ooohhh, lovely and gorgeous. And yes, so very Blanchett and McKellan, but very much the book as well. I love Galadriel's wild passion in the old days, and the talk of how hard it is to remember that time passes so quickly for the younger races. And such affection, ah.


artaxastra December 5 2013, 09:58:56 UTC
I'm glad you like it. I can see her being full of wild passion in the old days, the passion that led her to follow Feanor -- not out of anger at the Valar, but out of desire for the world beyond the sea.

And I'm glad the affection works. Thank you.


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