Sanctuary Fic -- Castaway

Jun 04, 2012 12:31

Wow, it's been a million years since I posted! My Sanctuary muses have been absent, but at least James has at last returned.

This story is a sequel to Sleeping Beauty but you don't have to have read it first.

Assumes past James/Helen, James/Declan, but is itself gen.

Castaway )


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Comments 6

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artaxastra June 4 2012, 17:14:45 UTC
Yep, that's The Five! In a nutshell!

And now James has worked his way out...


dbalthasar June 4 2012, 17:38:56 UTC
Oh, James, so clever! I love his messages to himself, and the way the poem leads him inexorably out of the maze.

And I cannot wait to see where it goes....


artaxastra June 4 2012, 20:43:47 UTC
I'm glad you like it! James is figuring his way out of it. And very successfully, actually!


lferion June 5 2012, 06:27:16 UTC
Oh my, oh my. I like this very much.


holdouttrout October 7 2012, 00:18:38 UTC
Oooh! interesting--I know it's been a while, but I do hope there's more sometime in the future.


ladymouse2 September 26 2015, 20:58:27 UTC
WANT ( ... )


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