Fic: The Zen of Zombie Battles; Yami no Matsuei:Hisoka; PG-13

Mar 20, 2008 06:55

Title: The Zen of Zombie Battles
Author: Aravis Tarkheena
Fandom: Yami No Matsuei
Character: Hisoka
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence
Disclaimer: Not mine
Word Count: around 600
Author’s Notes: Written for veleda_k. For this request in fic_on_demand.

The Zen of Zombie Battles

Things were bad. Very bad. Tsuzuki’s unconscious body lying on the ground next to him, only bespoke the half of it. The nine zombies closing in on them bespoke the other half.

Hisoka’s gun was empty and it didn’t look like Tsuzuki would be waking up any time soon.

Hisoka took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind. He had trained in jujitsu since he was a small child and he’d reveled in every moment of it. It was the only time he could touch people without being deluged with their feelings as, in his school, it was customary to go into a state of sedate meditation while they trained. Emotions, it was taught, were detrimental to combat situations. So Hisoka had trained as much as he could as often as he could, soaking up as much of the human contact he’d been denied during the normal course of the day, and he’d excelled.

The only unfortunate catch was that people in the street, the people with whom it was likely he would fight, seldom had their emotions under control. So the application of his training was painful to say the least. It left him feeling helpless. He knew exactly how to take someone down and keep them there, he could see himself doing it in his mind, feel it in his muscles, sense it with every visceral instinct in his body; however, the dehabilitating rush of foreign emotions made all of it moot. This dichotomy had lead Hisoka to have somewhat love-hate feelings for martial arts.

Now, in a dangerous situation with nothing but his training left to him, Hisoka could only hope that zombies didn’t feel. It was difficult to break bones and mash muscle when you were feeling the same pain you were inflicting.

He took a deep breath as the zombie at the front of the group grabbed for him and cleared his mind just moments before grabbing the zombie’s reaching fingers. Fingers locked the wrist, the wrist locked the elbow, the elbow locked the shoulder, the shoulder locked the spine; Hisoka stepped into the zombie, taking his center of balance before bumping him up with his hip and throwing him into the next two oncoming zombies.

He automatically reached for his next opponent, and then the next and the next and the next. Kick out to break a knee, aim a punch at an eye, deflect a punch, dislocate a shoulder, throw, hit, lock, bite. His muscles knew exactly what to do, the movements honed over hours of arduous training.

Hisoka kept on fighting, he blindly reached for opponent after opponent, always expecting more until a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. Hisoka gripped it to his chest and twisted under the arm, fiercely locking the wrist.

Pain shot across Hisoka’s forehead as he heard his opponent cry out in a familiar voice.

“Tuszuki!” Hisoka gasped, he dropped the hand trying to blink though the hurt he’d picked up from his partner.
Tsuzuki rubbed his strained wrist and looked around expansively at the dozens of groaning zombie’s lying on the ground around them. Hisoka followed his gaze and tried to keep the smug smile off of his face. There was certainly something gratifying about taking out people larger and stronger than yourself, Hisoka was pretty sure the feeling intensified in direct proportion to his small and weak you were yourself.

Hisoka turned to hide his proud smile and walked across the church to get the artifact they’d come to retrieve.

He glanced up at Tsuzuki’s proudly smiling face. “Remind me never to try and fight you for the last meat pie, ever again.”

A/N: Oh man, the first time I did the cut, I wrote Zombie Babies rather than Zombie Battles. I have NO IDEA why. Last time I format while listening to the news as I clearly cannot multi-task.. >.>>

pairing:gen, fic:yami no matsuei, character:hisoka kurosaki, fic

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