Title: "Carnevale 2012"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: Assorted OC for Italian regional characters along with Romano and Veneziano.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Italian traditional costumes for Carnival.
Okay, what follows are many pictures involving Carnival costumes. In case you don't know before the anime/cartoon invasion people in Italy would dress up for carnival with the costumes of the characters of the
Commedia dell'Arte or with traditional costumes proper of their own region/city.
In short we've a huge amount of traditional costumes... that sadly are slowly being replaced by more popular, more modern costumes.
I couldn't draw them all so here there's a selection of 18 costumes, 2 of which are the ones Veneziano and Romano were drawing in the pic you've already seen. The models for others are the OC I draw for the Italian regions, each of them wearing a costume popular in his own region.
In case you're not familiar with my OC I'll warn you some of them are females, however all of them are wearing male costumes...
By the way many of this costumes involve also the use of a mask, which might cover the face entirely (which is probably why this sort of costumes are simply called 'maschere', masks, in Italian). For obvious reason I didn't draw the masks on the characters' faces.
(Toscana - Viareggio)
Mastro di Campo
(Sicilia - Mezzojuso)
(Valle d'Aosta - Coumba Freida)
(Piemonte - Torino)
Capitan Spaventa dalla Valle Inferna
(Liguria - Genova)
(Lombardia - Milano)
(Trentino Alto Adige - Valfloriana)
(Veneto - Venezia)
(Emilia Romagna - Bologna)
(Toscana - Firenze)
(Umbria - Perugia)
(Lazio - Roma)
(Campania - Napoli)
(Basilicata - Tricarico)
(Puglia - Putignano)
(Calabria - Reggio)
Peppe Nappa
(Sicilia - Sciacca)
(Sardegna - Mamoiada)
Burlamacco (Toscana - Viareggio): Named after the word 'Burla' (joke) but also after the canal Burlamacca that crosses Viareggio is the mascot of the Viareggio Carnival. He's relatively young as he was created on purpose to become the mascot of the carnival in 1931. (
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Mastro di Campo/Mastru du Campu (Sicilia - Mezzojuso): The main character of a local event involving around 100 characters. The Mastro di Campo 'attacks' the 'castle' of the Re (king) and after being 'wounded' and falling he finally wins and conquears the Regina (Queen) as well. It's based on an historical event. By the way the Mastro di Campo wears a red mask that covers his face entirely.
Landzette (Valle d'Aosta - Coumba Freida): Main characters of a local event that parodied the invasion of Napoleon troops in May 1800. The costumes, based on the uniforms of Napoloeon troops, are handmades and filled with coloured paillettes. They also wear a white mask covering the whole face.
Gianduia/Gianduja (Piemonte - Torino): Originally a marionette he became a character of the Commedia dell'Arte representing the people from Tourin. He has a wife, Giacometta and he loves to drink wine. (
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Capitan Spaventa dalla Valle Inferna (Liguria - Genova): He belong to the team of the Capitani (captains) among the characters of the Commedia dell'Arte. They were based on the Spanish commanders and generally were supposed to be a fail. Capitan Spaventa however is wise, a dreamer and knowledgeable, though he still likes more to talk than to fight. (
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Meneghino/Meneghin Pecenna (Lombardia - Milano): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte representing the people from Milan. He's married with Cecca di Berlinghitt and never wears a mask. Although he 'exists' by quite a long time previously the mascot for Milan's carnival was Beltrame/Baltramm de Gaggian. During Risorgimento, Meneghino, who was the embodiement of the Milanese's critical attitude towards the powerful, the rich, and the oppressors of the people became a symbol of the Milanese revolutionary movement against the Austrian oppression. As of now his name is an antonomasia to refer to Milanese people and matters, as well as the Milanese language itself. Even the new model of trains for the Milan Metro Subway system is called "Meneghino" (
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Matocio (Trentino Alto Adige - Valfloriana): Valfloriana Carnival is also known as the 'Carnevale dei Matòci' a traditional procession through the city in which the characters, dressed with beautifully coloured costumes and wearing handmade wooden masks walk through all the city as if it was a wedding procession. The Valfloriana Carnival is one of the few traditional carnival still alive in the Trentino zone and a must see.
Pantalone/Pantalon dei Bisognosi/Magnifico (Veneto - Venezia): An important character of the Commedia dell'Arte originary from Venice. He represented the part of the amazingly rich and stingy old man... who's often growing rather senile and is made fun by his servants. He wears a black mask covering half his face. (
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Balanzone/Dottor Balanzone (Emilia Romagna - Bologna): An character of the Commedia dell'Arte originary from Bologna and representing a 'wise guy'. He wears a small mask usually covering solely his eyebrows and the nose. Though he's supposed to have the role of the wise guy or of the doctor he uses macharonic Latin and tends to talk too much, boring the other characters. (
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Stenterello (Toscana - Firenze): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte representing the people from Florence. He likes to talk, is easy to get scared and he's impulsive but can be also smart and always sides with the weakest even when he's scared.
Bartoccio (Umbria - Perugia): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte representing the people from Perugia. He's a smart farmer, married with Rosa.
Rugantino (Lazio - Roma): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte. Originally he was supposed to be a Gendarme but slowly he turned into a Roman boy who claims to be brave but actually is not.
Pulcinella (Campania - Napoli): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte representing the people from Naples. He wears a black mask that covers half his face and his role is the one of a rather smart servant. (
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Campanaccio/Toro (Basilicata - Tricarico): Character of an event of the Trivarico Carnival. During it males dresses up with the costumes of Mucche (cows) and Tori (Bulls) and take part to a procession through the city simulating animal behaviour. The Mucca (cow) costume is white. In both costumes the face is covered by a veil.
Farinella (Puglia - Putignano): Mascot of the Putignano Carnival originally he was a not very famous character of the Commedia dell'Arte but later his look was completely changed to help him becoming more representative of the Putignano carnival, the oldest (1394) and longest Italian Carnival.
Giangurgolo (Calabria - Reggio): He belong to the team of the Capitani (captains) among the characters of the Commedia dell'Arte. They were based on the Spanish commanders and generally were supposed to be a fail in fact his main traits are he's always hungry and talks a lot. Though apparently he had birth in Naples he moved rather early to Reggio where he became popular. He represents the Spanish nobles that had to leave Sicily after it was handed to the Savoy in XVII century. (
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Peppe Nappa/Beppe Nappa (Sicilia - Sciacca): A character of the Commedia dell'Arte and mascot of the Sciacca Carnival (during the Carnival he becomes 'Sciacca's mayor') he's a lazy servant who's also a glutton but that can be very athletic.
Issohadore (Sardegna - Mamoiada): Character of a really old traditional event along with the Mamuthone. He wears a white mask that covers all his face. Mamuthones and Issohadores move in a procession during the Mamoiada Carnival. The Mamuthones looks like some sort of animals and the Issohadores have the duty to keep them under control. They're sort of cowboys... ^_-