Title: My School Life (9/?)
Author: Me ( AoiSoraNoHikari / Sora / Kiza )
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Pairing: DaiRyuu, HikaNoo, YamaChii, YamaRyuu (friendship)
Notes : I’m sorry if this one is failed and bored.. *cries And I’M SO SORRY for a late update!!! ( > < )
Previous Chap is here ->
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Comments 27
Hika confess to Inoo.He should break with Daiki.and just let Daki with Ryutaro.*(^O^)*
tell Inoo that Yamada didnt rape Chinen!(>w<)
OMG!why did you cry,ryuu?(O_O)
YESS!!! Finally Hikaru realized his feeling to Inoo!!! *winks
Ryuuchan cried because of...... Find that in next chap! LOL *bricked
Thx you so much for reading and commenting!! *hugs
u sure have to make a plot how to end this ff, i'm afraid u'll get random and not focusing on the main story line :)
Ok, and I love YamaRyuu more!! LOL *bricked
Howaa, I'm happy when someone noticed my randomness! Xp
The plot,... I found that already but.. Yappari, it's DaiRyuu~ (> <)
i cant wait to know why ryuu-chan cried.^^
will wait for the next chappie~(^_^)V
you are welcome*hug u back.(>w<)
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