My sis and "the littles" are still here

Aug 08, 2006 20:47

Originally uploaded by Antof9. I had to post this one -- you can actually hear the cute belly laugh from the pic, right? He was having a blast, commanding, "faster, faster!" (sounds a little like fatter, fatter).

We call the two older boys (S1 and S2) "the bigs", and the two younger boys (S3 and S4) "the littles". The bigs are in Colorado Springs with Gramma and the littles are here with us. S3 calls Unk "Unca Fraid" (which if you know his actual name is pretty funny). We've been to the park, the firefighter's museum, and the park again. Tomorrow we're seeing the movie "Madagascar" for free at a theatre (evidently, a lot of theatres do a free morning movie one day a week during the summer).

Silly birthday boys
Originally uploaded by Antof9. This is the birthday boys, Unk at 37 and S3 at 3, celebrating on their joint birthday -- August 6. Gramma, Grampa and Grandmother drove up from Colorado Springs with the bigs for it. Yes, it was a Bob the Builder birthday party. After naptime, we had another birthday party for Unk's older brother (Aug 3) and the Unk side of the family.

We're having a ton of fun, laughing a lot, and generally being silly. Oh, and still reading "The Monster Book" (The Monster at the End of this Book: starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover) about 5 or more times a day.

movies, sissy, family, birthdays, kids

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