Doctor Who season 6 episode 2

May 01, 2011 18:38

Within, notes from my second watch of this week's Who.

And! The central mystery-- how does the Doctor die and why-- is left unexplained. So. We must watch the rest of the season to figure it out. We are distracted by the question of who the kid in the spacesuit is.

No American accents were harmed in the making of this week's Doctor Who. And the Nixon approximation bothered me even more than it did last week. I bet it would bother older Americans even more than it bugged me. Also bugging me: being asked to believe that Nixon was a good guy in any way whatsoever. Though it was pretty funny to think of the Doctor as being the one who set off the taping & paranoia thing.

River & the Doctor share their first & last kiss. I think that might be taking the back-to-front thing a bit too literally, because they certainly could do chunks of their shared stories in the right order. However, the tragedy remains. And the amazing chemistry of the two. That flirting over how many of the Silence she'd shoot was awesome. Yes. I'm shipping them.

I could have done without the bombastic and terrible soundtrack music over the moon landing bit. Man, I hate that composer with a burning passion.

"What kind of doctor are you?"
"Archaelogy. shoots Love a tomb."

Mr Pedia was greatly amused that Rory saluted improperly. That is, he saluted with an open palm in the British manner. The American soldiers are depicted, correctly, saluting palm-down. It's a tell.

So. Yeah. How much Canton slash was written overnight?

TIME LORD KID? Time Lord kid. Oh boy. Oh dear. Or maybe Amy's kid turned out to have a time head after all.

And next week it's swashbuckling.

fandom:doctor who

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