Research list as long as my arm, check.

Mar 08, 2011 16:04

What I just googled for: the height in feet and inches of the Queen of England. Ah, the absurdity. (Buffy is really short. I'm sure you knew that, but she's short. I'm just coming to grips with it.) Have also been skimming for the meanings of heraldry symbols and other nonsense. I'll probably get it all wrong, so that means I'll need to be sketchy ( Read more... )

fandom, music, fic wittering

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Comments 7

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antennapedia March 9 2011, 01:58:48 UTC
I prefer extensive content labeling, because one person's "uh oh" is another person's "oh yay!" Especially when it comes to fandom-favorite tropes like "sex pollen" or AMTDI.


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antennapedia March 9 2011, 02:08:22 UTC
Yeah, I like to just say what's there, no judgements at all. I over-tag like mad on my fic archive.


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antennapedia March 14 2011, 05:43:50 UTC
I'm torn. On the one hand, I want to tell people, fairly, what sort of story they're about to read so they can choose whether they want to read it. In the mood for crying over death fic? Here you go. In desperate need of something cheerful with kittens? Skip this story, go for that other story, the one with kittens ( ... )


seldomifever March 9 2011, 12:08:36 UTC
That fandomwank stuff irks me to no end. I used to follow a chick over on Tumblr who was always pissing and moaning about trigger issues. Ugh. Drove me up the wall.


antennapedia March 14 2011, 05:21:41 UTC
There's an ugly undercurrent of social control going on there. Triggers are last year's hot, trendy moral cudgel to use to get people to do what you want while you triumph over them in an ugly manner (see that metafandom post). None of it is particularly useful in achieving its claimed goals, which is allowing people with past traumas to feel more comfortable reading random fic.

I have many more thoughts, most of them extremely grumpy.


brutti_ma_buoni March 9 2011, 20:11:22 UTC
I could kinda beta some heraldry, if you like? Very vague now, but I used to know some stuff and it hasn't all faded away.


antennapedia March 14 2011, 05:24:30 UTC
It is merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative. It's not really a key point, but there's some historical crud that could probably use an informed look-over just to remove the worst inaccuracies. Some day. When it hits a second draft. This year.


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