Some bookage.

Sep 10, 2010 22:31

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Comments 3

theoreme September 12 2010, 21:01:45 UTC
I read "Against a dark background" some times ago and it was the first time I tried Banks' sci-fi works.
I loved the universe, with its history and multiethnicity, all the places, the Lazy Gun and its effects, and the fight against growing old. However, I was a bit disappointed with the characters, who weren't as described as the background. The ending was also disappointing (OMG, the guy is a backstabbing bastard, who wouldn't have thought, like since page 1, and the messiah is family!), in view of the page-turning story. Strangely, the "everybody dies" didn't bother me too much.
So, a good if somewhat flawed read, and maybe I should try other Banks' novels. Which one would you recommend?


antennapedia September 15 2010, 01:39:41 UTC
The Player of Games is a straightforward introduction to his Culture universe. I reread this one fairly often!


theoreme September 27 2010, 18:46:07 UTC
Bought it, read it, loved it. Thanks for the tip:)


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