Pointers to meta I think is worth reading.

May 11, 2010 13:58

This unfunny business writeup about awful behavior from a single BNF in SPN fandom has sort of exploded all over the place in fandom this week. If you haven't read it yet, as some of my flistians might not have, you might want to just so you have the context of the conversation. For further reading about the rape culture issue, I recommend "A Read more... )

fandom, meta

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Comments 17

tx_cronopio May 11 2010, 21:03:22 UTC
I finally broke down today and caught myself up on it. Wish I hadn't, I've been spitting nails all afternoon!

Thanks for the links, one of which I had not seen.


antennapedia May 11 2010, 21:23:26 UTC
She just kept on digging and digging that hole, didn't she? After a while I couldn't be angry any more, I was just so stunned and amazed by the performance.

The original SPN fan who caused it all is a real piece of work. I'm guessing serious alcohol problem on top of the uber-sleazy husband.


tx_cronopio May 11 2010, 21:26:21 UTC
Didn't she, though? Made me sad; even though she's never been on my flist, she's always been around and I always thought well of her. Well, that's over.

Original BNF should be worried about her much-vaunted security clearance. No way this doesn't get out.


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antennapedia May 11 2010, 21:42:49 UTC
How *can* it be? Seriously, how can it? So many people who are strangers to each other, really, coming together to discuss a shared source of entertainment. We think we know each other; sometimes we meet each other and *do* get to know each other. (Some peeps on my LJ flist are now RL friends.) But mostly we really don't. You get a tiny slice of me, a controlled presentation of one of several public personas. How can you know who I am ( ... )


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antennapedia May 12 2010, 05:05:05 UTC


stexgirl2000 May 11 2010, 21:43:26 UTC
The whole thing makes me sad and spitting mad at the same time.


antennapedia May 11 2010, 22:15:32 UTC
Look at the up side: the con committee did the right thing. Fandom en masse did the right thing.


tx_cronopio May 11 2010, 22:26:43 UTC
Yes. I am not in SPN fandom, but I want to buy that con com a drink. They did good.


stexgirl2000 May 11 2010, 23:47:25 UTC
That has been the silver lining the whole thing. Fandom, for the most part, has been "Hell No!" It's the few idiots that make me mad.


the_emu May 12 2010, 02:47:19 UTC
Damn you, for coercing me into wasting hours reading about stupid instead of working on Giles porn!

Though now I know that those times I was felt-up on public transport, it was actually my fault, for not specifically and clearly explaining to the poor gentlemen in question that I did not consent to them touching my breasts.

Guess I should track them down and apologise for punching one, and pushing the other down the bus stairs. I was completely in the wrong.

(Except, neither informed me of an unwillingness to be punched or pushed down stairs, so does that mean they consented? Now I'm confused.)



the_emu May 12 2010, 05:13:08 UTC
Seriously. Hours. I read the libertarian. Damn you.



antennapedia May 12 2010, 05:24:48 UTC
I thought the obnoxious paganism was a nice touch there.


antennapedia May 12 2010, 05:23:00 UTC
Obviously if they'd wished not to be punched, they haven't clearly and specifically explained to you that they didn't consent to being punched. So they consented. DUH.

This wank has everything, I feel. It has drunken public misbehavior from a BNF that we can stare at as if watching a train wreck. It has the BNF melting down and attempting to strong-arm an anon meme comm into compliance, which rebounds on her in a spectacular example of the Streisand Effect. It has A+ prime old-fashioned wank from the bystander who wants to tell you how her paganism says the complainers were doing it wrong.


nemaihne May 12 2010, 08:19:29 UTC
Huh, just read it here and there, because honestly, it's like five seasons of a Lifetime Network drama in script form. Normally, I'd go pop some popcorn and sit down with some evening's entertainment.
If this is coming to light now and it was supposedly 'handled' in 2008, it's my guess that one of the victims is probably moving from fear and shame into anger right about now and that's why the post. More power to the original anonymouse and I hope the real victim(s) get through this all right, but I'm not going to enjoy watching this circus knowing that it most likely stems someone or some ones trying to work their way past what happened.


antennapedia May 12 2010, 14:55:10 UTC
What happened was that the SPN BNF attempted to register for this year's version of the con. Her money was refunded and she was reminded that she had been banned 2 years ago. She then melted down all over the place, complete with threats of lawyers. I think the people who had been distressed by her behavior had complained 2 years ago and then been done with it.


nemaihne May 12 2010, 18:23:19 UTC
Ah, if that was the spark then good enough. I'd hate to think of someone just coming to that point two years later.

But yeah, it's amazing how people think that banning is some sort of time-out. Repercussions suck. That's exactly why they exist.


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