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Comments 12

secondalto September 30 2009, 01:52:46 UTC

But yay for House and Wilson and banter! And subtext!


antennapedia October 1 2009, 17:56:09 UTC
The House/Wilson bits were the fun parts. I loved the meatballs conversation.


clavally September 30 2009, 03:23:45 UTC

If the first two episodes were like good fanfic, this one was all out bad!fic, complete with grammar errors, bad spelling, annoying scene change punctuation and jarring author's notes inserted haphazardly throughout.

There's always next week. Maybe they'll give us run of the mill, not bad, not great stuff.


antennapedia October 1 2009, 17:57:14 UTC
Obviously next week he returns and... some of the Foreman mess gets resolved. Taub un-quits? Thirteen is un-fired? Foreman is spanked for idiocy? I dunno.


clavally October 1 2009, 17:59:14 UTC
Did you see the preview? I don't want to say anything if you want to be unspoiled for it.

I'm desperately hoping to see the last of 13 for awhile. I like Taub, though. Will be sad if he's gone for good.


antennapedia October 1 2009, 18:05:39 UTC
I did not see the preview. I get my House legitimately, by way of an iTunes season pass, and that doesn't include previews.


fuzzyboo03 September 30 2009, 04:55:54 UTC
Quite so.

I enjoyed the changing House Wilson relationship, and I'm intrigued by where House is going, and if they stick with the changes.


antennapedia October 1 2009, 17:59:21 UTC
House/Wilson keeps me watching, even though it's a friend-ship for me not a romantic ship. It's the same deal with Holmes and Watson for me, at heart. Yes, I absolutely see the subtext, but the stories in my head are all about the friendship for some reason.


thisiszircon September 30 2009, 17:14:16 UTC
I still love Taub. I'd even sit through this one again for the Taub moments. "Really, I'm not laughing because of the obvious tension between you two." "I'm short, he's black, you're gay. Ish."

Also, the reference to getting poor reviews for 'Speed the Plow' on Broadway was titter-worthy. Mainly because I felt very proud of myself for getting it.

Foreman = wanker.


antennapedia October 1 2009, 18:03:53 UTC
I love Taub. I love all four of the new ducklings, to be honest, and I miss CTB and Kutner greatly. I'm looking forward to Taub un-quitting in the next episode, which is what I (perhaps foolishly) presume is happening. My non-fannish House-fan friend spoiled me for some casting stuff upcoming, but it wasn't Taub-related, so I have no clue.

Foreman, man, I want him hit over the head metaphorically for this screwup.


thisiszircon October 1 2009, 23:44:27 UTC
Last season I thought I hated Thirteen. Then there were some episodes where she was with other characters than Foreman, and I realised I liked her then. For instance: the episode "Joy" where the PotW is sleep-drug-scoring? And she and Taub go to score cocaine off the dealer PotW has been using? Brilliant scene. And I was surprised I really liked Thirteen in it ( ... )


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