Tomorrow it'll hurt. By "it", I mean my entire body.

Mar 09, 2009 00:00

Today's workout: the Crossfit Angie. 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, done for time. I did jumping pull-ups and kneeling pushups, as usual. My time was worse than before, because it turns out I did crunches the first time and full sit-ups this time. Which explained why I felt like I might be revisiting my breakfast somewhere ( Read more... )

television, music, pushups

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Comments 20

tx_cronopio March 10 2009, 20:15:29 UTC
First off, I'm mightily impressed with your fitness!

Secondly, YAY BSG! I always love it when someone else finds the show. You have hours of gut-wrenching goodness ahead of you!


antennapedia March 10 2009, 21:20:25 UTC
And I smile because I now know who the women are in your icon! And they are in fact awesome. Roslin is going to be a fascinating character to watch, I think.

Though man, I fear what you mean by "gut-wrenching", because the show starts with utter defeat.


emelye_miller March 10 2009, 20:45:03 UTC
God, you can be my fitspiraton now. Ugh.

Mental engagement you say? What is this of which you speak? I don't think I've written more than five hundred words in the last month. Granted, RL has been pretty craptacular lately, but STILL. I dunno. I have a bad hankering to write Spander all of a sudden but I'm sure I would be consumed by guilt writing it while I have another story I'm SUPPOSED to be working on. Think it would help my muse to write something - ANYTHING - at all or should I just spruce up what I've got until something comes?

What are you thinking about switching to?


antennapedia March 10 2009, 21:32:29 UTC
So. Here's my theory. If it's a useful theory, you can borrow it.

Fandom is for fun. Fan writing is for fun. There are no requirements or obligations here beyond the ones we find enjoyable to fulfill. If you would have more fun writing a Spander story for Big Bang than whatever it was you signed up for, write the Spander story! Stay mellow, stay motivated, stay in the fun zone.

I was thinking of switching to the story of Buffy getting trapped in a hell dimension after going through the rift in "The Gift", and Giles going in to rescue her. With a doubtful Ethan in tow. Complications ensue. I seem to be outlining it. Er. Oops.


nutterbudgie March 10 2009, 21:44:43 UTC
WRITE IT WRITE IT *foams at mouth*


antennapedia March 10 2009, 22:51:21 UTC
I expect you to talk me down from the suicidal moments that will accompany this one.


the_emu March 10 2009, 21:00:00 UTC
Okay, I consider myself pretty good with the fitness, and I consider 20 push-ups and forty sit-ups (technically 20 sit-ups, 20 bum-ups) and a bunch of squats to be a killer workout.

I thought I was all that just because I'd managed to move to full-length push-ups.

You clearly spent some time in the military and didn't tell us.



antennapedia March 10 2009, 21:15:36 UTC
I assure you that I have never been in the military. And that in June of last year when I started all this, I was completely deconditioned and flabby. I spend three hours a week with this personal trainer dude, and he has been driving me as hard as I have asked him to drive me, which is kinda hard. And this is the result. My theory is, if a flabby doughpot like me can do it, anybody can. The human body amazes me.

The Crossfit named workouts are killer. Try one sometime.

I'm still overweight. That's the project for the next year of exercise. It's going to have to go up to 5 or 6 days a week, 1 hour a day.


the_emu March 11 2009, 08:27:21 UTC
Three hours is serious commitment. I am impressed. I'd love to do more dancing - sadly, the commute makes it much more time than it is.



beatrice_otter March 10 2009, 21:48:35 UTC
You'll have to keep us updated on your reactions to BSG as you go along--for those of us who know what's coming up, it would be a kick to read. (Believe me, there are twists and turns along the way that you will not believe. Some of them you would never have thought of but are so right you can't imagine anything else once you know, and some of them are pure WTFBBQ? moments where the only explanation is either the writers were on crack or they were going solely for melodrama.)


antennapedia March 10 2009, 22:09:37 UTC
I'm totally looking forward to it. The first two hours of the show were such good stuff.


clavally March 11 2009, 04:34:53 UTC
First off, you rock for the exercise thing. I know it's doable, but it's still pretty awesome that you did it.

When you say you watched the BSG pilot, do you mean the miniseries? Cuz the miniseries was good and then it gets really good. So, you might have even better viewing pleasure coming up than you thought, yay! Also, stay away from the scifi channel as they show previews of the upcoming episodes and some things should not be spoiled ( ... )


antennapedia March 13 2009, 03:36:36 UTC
The soundtrack is fabulous. Simply stunning. I'm going to have to seek it out too.


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