FIC: A Broken Vessel 1/3 (Giles/Ethan, FRAO)

Aug 31, 2008 19:13

Title: A Broken Vessel 1/3
Pairings: Giles/Ethan
Rating: FRAO
Summary: Ethan wants something, and he'll get it. He never pays if he can make somebody else pay instead.
Prompt: kink_bingo caning
Warnings: Heavy kink.
Wordcount: 2700
Notes: Pre-series. Set in the same storyline as "Blackmail", but no context required.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I ( Read more... )

series:blackmail, fiction, kink bingo, fic:giles/ethan

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Comments 12

kivrin September 1 2008, 22:39:37 UTC
oooh. I really enjoyed this. And I especially admire how you sketched at the personalities of all the Eyghon gang in very few words. Also, as someone else said, brilliant in-character use of Psalm 23.


antennapedia September 3 2008, 19:20:29 UTC
Hey, thanks! Economical exposition is something I'm working on. I need to establish what my vision of the Eyghon gang is, but I don't want to interrupt the flow of the story too much. Trick is working it all in smoothly. Mmmmm, craft!


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