In re: LJ's omission of certain interests from the "most popular" list.

Mar 17, 2008 11:22

Actually, what I think fanfiction peeps should do here on LJ is adopt a code-name interest that we can all list on our profiles ( Read more... )

fandom, lj

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Comments 23

twilightofmagic March 17 2008, 18:38:27 UTC
Pas une pipe. Heh. lots of room of room for play ;-)


antennapedia March 17 2008, 18:57:34 UTC
Yes, that's the spirit!


seldomifever March 17 2008, 18:42:00 UTC
You have a cause. Seem to be going all Joan and I don't understand why the sudden imperative. Also, I don't get the "i can has peach" reference. This probably does not surprise you. 'Splain?


antennapedia March 17 2008, 18:54:53 UTC
Oh. Well. I like writing software. It's my profession and it's one of my hobbies. It's fun. It's sort of a professional twitch you see in me right now: I look at the situation and I see an opportunity. I even see one that overlaps with my skill set a bit, though there are subtasks here I don't have a clue about. Plus I'm at a bit of a, hrm, career juncture, since my employment situation is about to shift around a bit.

I should probably just stfu and let somebody else worry about it. Concentrate on writing that stupid novel so I can fail to sell it. Um, yes, having an Eeyore moment. Never mind me. I'll get over it.

And: "Do I dare to eat a peach?"


seldomifever March 17 2008, 19:31:38 UTC
I love your enthusiasm for the new project. If anyone can do it...can get it off the ground, I'm sure it's you. It'll make a great distraction away from the original fiction.

And, Antenna? Nobody's first novel sells. But you have to write the first, so the second or third can become enormously successful. :)


antennapedia March 17 2008, 19:44:35 UTC
Now you sound like my husband. O.o

Yes. I agree. Writing the damn thing would be a better use of my time. I am going to write the software to drive, though.


secondalto March 17 2008, 19:10:23 UTC
There is currently a movement going around to make this Friday, March 21st a no posting day in protest of the recent doings. One of the demands is the restoration of the Basic Account. I don't see that happening. It was a business decision on the part of SUP and no matter how many people raise their voices I don't see them backing down on that. Everything they seem to be doing lately is business oriented, which I don't fault them for, that's why they bought LJ to make money. But I agree that they way they seem to be going about doing all of it is underhanded and smacks of dictatorial behavior ( ... )


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antennapedia March 17 2008, 19:17:03 UTC
Yeah. I know. There's nowhere to go. Fuckit.


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antennapedia March 17 2008, 19:31:53 UTC
I... don't see how OTW can produce any serious archive or blogging platform. It's great to teach novices how to write software, but they're not going to produce anything well-designed or scalable. The scope of a project like that requires professional skill. Seriously: read some of Danga's white papers on things like how they scale their back end. This is stuff that's known in the industry by people who specialize in high-availability systems.

I'm not one of them, btw. I know just enough to know that I don't know.

And really, I should just shut up and finish my late
rounds_of_kink story. Or better yet, stuff for my paying job. Yargh.


kannnichtfranz March 17 2008, 19:24:02 UTC
*sigh* It's sad, when I think about my entrance into LJ fandom -- I stepped so tentatively into the waters, back around 2004, 2005. With LJ's changes, and with more and more people friends-locking their posts, I can see that if LJ had been like it is today, I probably wouldn't have had enough fun to stick around. I make friends and discover new things at a much slower rate these days. It's that initial openness and welcome to lurkers and newbies that has largely disappeared thanks to LJ's policies. I look forward to the day we find a way to get it back again.

SMOF! I have learned a new acronym. :)


antennapedia March 17 2008, 19:50:47 UTC
Pay no attention to the fan behind the curtain!

I think fans are overreacting to some of LJ's policies. It remains to be seen if SUP is just clueless or actively working to remove itself from certain businesses, but I think in general LJ is one of the more benign hosts fandom might have. Sigh.


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