Sorry this is a day late guys; I was out most of the night last night and come home exhausted. In any case, great submission this round! There was fifteen icons total! I did mess up the code and was too lazy to go back and redo it, so just ignore that part. ^^
Now, before we get to the voting, I want to review something with everyone:
Subjective 1. taking place within the mind and modified by individual bias; "a subjective judgment"
When we say that your icon is too subjective, we are basically saying that the way you explain your letter is left too much up to the imagination. In other words:
Too subjective:
-Emotions (unless specified by text). In anime or manga, it can be really difficult to tell if a character is about to cry or is constipated.
-Facial expressions. Unless the action is exaggerated, we can't accept these either because sometimes a small smile doesn't look like a smile.
-Weather. For all I know, the sun is shining but its below 35 degrees. So don't tell me that it is a nice day without some text.
Just right:
-Character name
-(Sometimes) Color
If in doubt, add text. It isn't that hard and shows real skill when you can do it properly. And that can only come with practice.
If you have questions, please comment in this post. Thanks!
This has been a mod announcement. Over and out. :D
[]Don't vote for yourself or get anyone else to vote for you.
[]Vote for THREE icons in the order you like them. If you vote for more and you don't edit it before the deadline, your vote will be disqualified.
[]Use the poll.
[]Hover over the icon to see how S is used and the series.
[]Deadline: Monday, November 5 @ 9pm EST (6pm PST).
No icon
Poll S Voting akaii_hana should have your new letter up soon. :)