(no subject)

Oct 03, 2008 11:39


Okay, so technically it isn't a Conspiracy Wall, because I'm not currently investigating a conspiracy (OR AM I????). It's more of a storyboard thing, which I've been wanting to do for awhile now, but for once, I actually have enough motivation to DO it, which is pretty amazing considering how lazy I am.

Obviously, it's pretty bare right now. I only started it last night. I need it to keep track of the fics I've got going. I never really needed to, but now that I'm kinda spanning fandoms, and my brain is becoming increasingly stupid, I need physical notes instead of keeping it all in my head. Plus, writing Mag7 involves plot. A great deal more plot than I generally write for wrestling. I used to have these long arcs for Cypress, and I'd outline and all that, but it was all in my head, and I don't know how I used to do it.

Anyway, one side of it is for "Marks," which is more mental exercise than any real attempt at getting any fiction done. I've kinda thrown up a white flag when it comes to original fiction. But I think this will be helpful, you know? Plus arts and craft is always FTW.

Oh, and should anything for real come out of this? I solemnly promise not to pretend like my characters aren't totally based on real people. *COFFajdanielsCOFF*

Wow, that's kinda wanky, wasn't it? :D

wank, marks, conspiracy wall

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