30-day ship meme, day 13

Oct 06, 2010 10:49

Day 01: What is your current favorite ship?
Day 02: What was your very first ship?
Day 03: A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04: The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05: The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06: The best chemistry?
Day 07: The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08: The pairing with the most baggage?
Day 09: Most believeable pairing?
Day 10: Why aren't these two married in real life?
Day 11: Your dream pairing?
Day 12: Who had the best wedding?

Day 13: What is your favorite television pairing?

Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard, Stargate Atlantis

*snorts* Yeah, like that was a difficult choice. These two consumed my life for quite a while, and despite the fact that the show went down the toilet in its last two years (in part due to its treatment of Elizabeth herself), I still have a fond spot for the pairing. These two were so damn pretty, and the chemistry between them was the best kind -- the unexpected. No one thought when the show started that these two would be anything other than colleagues and maybe friends down the road, but they became much more than that. John made a habit of going black ops commando when he thought she'd been murdered, defended her honor from nit-picking bureaucrats, and even got her a birthday present that stayed on her desk for years. Elizabeth smiled at his silly jokes, hugged him when he did something suicidal yet also heroic, and looked ready to cry whenever she thought he'd finally gotten himself killed. These two were so completely wonderful!

ship: sga: weir/sheppard, lj: memes

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