30-day meme, day 19 | 30-day ship meme, day 1

Sep 21, 2010 11:23

Day 19. A talent of yours.

*laughs* How about the singularly annoying talent of recalling positively obscure things in history and the ability to ramble on about them for long periods of time? I once rambled on about Eleanor of Aquitaine to a friend of mine, and he ended up tuning me out. Then, not an hour later, our history professor that quarter gave us a pop quiz on, you guessed it, Eleanor of Aquitaine. *cackles* I’ve never let him forget the lesson that day taught him - that he should listen to me when I ramble. *bg*

Day 01. Your favorite song
Day 02. Your favorite movie
Day 03. Your favorite television program
Day 04. Your favorite book

Day 05. Your favorite quote
Day 06. Whatever tickles your fancy [Favorite Icon]
Day 07. A photo that makes you happy

Day 08. A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09. A photo you took
Day 10. A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11. A photo of you taken recently
Day 12. Whatever tickles your fancy [Favorite layout]
Day 13. A fictional book
Day 14. A non-fictional book

Day 15. A fanfic
Day 16. A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17. An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18. Whatever tickles your fancy [Favorite actor]

30 Days of Ship

Day 1: What is your current favorite ship?

Abby Sciuto/Leroy Jethro Gibbs, NCIS

These two stole my heart from the moment I started watching the show. I was struck at first by the sheer adorableness of their scenes together, but as I watched the show more and more and got to know the characters better, I began to see even more. I saw how much gentler Gibbs was with Abby, especially in comparison to how he treated the other members of the team. Plus, the way they flirt with each other is pure heaven.

I know that some fans see these two as father and daughter figures to one another, but given the way that Gibbs so often checks Abby out when she's rushing around her lab explaining evidence to him, or how he invades her personal space, or the various kisses on the cheek? No way a man who sees a woman as a daughter figure would look at her like that. Not in my book.

ship: ncis: abby/gibbs, rl: school, lj: memes

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