Fic: Selfless [Eureka]

Sep 25, 2009 10:58

Title: Selfless
Author: angelqueen04
Characters: Allison Blake; mentions of Jack/Tess, Jack/Allison.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 700 words
Warning: Spoilers for 3.18 What Goes Around, Comes Around
Disclaimer: I do not own Eureka or any associated characters.
Author's Note: Written for the tenth and final round of the eureka_tag challenge. I figured it would be nice to end the challenge with something from Allison's point of view, since that's what I started this round with. Coming full circle and all that.

The house is quiet, an anomaly these days. Though Kevin is attending a school for autistic children in Colorado, Jenna, Allison has discovered, can make enough noise to equal five children, and frequently likes to demonstrate this ability. She's fairly certain that she hasn't gotten more than four hours of sleep a night in the past several days.

Still, despite her exhaustion, Allison still had been excited to be getting back to work within the next few days. Global Dynamics' daycare program already has a spot open and ready in their infant area for Jenna, and the department heads have already started sending her summary reports of what has been happening and the status of their current projects.

Not that Allison doesn't already know something of what's going on. Sudden ice ages and insane magnetic disturbances are quite hard to miss. Plus, Carter had visited after every crisis without fail to check on her and Jenna, and had explained each and every situation. She had found his expression when he had told her about Lucas' attempt to save the world and earn himself a spot at Harvard with Zoe particularly amusing.

At the moment, though, Allison is hardly feeling amused. She sits alone in her study, staring at the phone on her desk. The phone call with Carter hadn't lasted more than ten minutes, but it had ended nearly an hour ago. The conversation went basically thus:

Tess is taking a job in Australia. She wants Carter to come with her, or at the very least visit her there. Carter wants to look into scheduling some time off so that he can take the trip. Allison told him yes, of course. The end.

Now she sits here, her thoughts going in circles and trying not to feel what she's feeling. Allison should be happy for him. She knows he's going through a rough time losing Zoe nearly an entire year early -- boy, did she get an earful about that after Carter found out that Henry had sent the recommendation to Harvard's admissions bureau -- so of course he'd be eager to keep some measure of happiness in his life right now. Allison's not blind, she knows very well how Tess made Carter light up these past few months. She hasn't seen him this happy since before Kim Anderson died.

Come to think of it, that was when everything changed.

So really, she should be happy and supportive for him. To be anything else would be wrong.

Nonetheless, all Allison can think is, What about me, Carter? I'm still here. She wants to beg him not to even think about leaving, because God knows, Carter is the only one who has kept her sane and grounded after Nathan died. Losing Nathan, sending Kevin off to the school in Colorado Springs, dealing with the unexpected pregnancy... Allison knows that she never would have been able to handle it all if Jack Carter hadn't been by her side every step of the way. Even now, she still knows she needs him, probably always will.

She wants to go after Tess, grab her by the shoulders and shake her. Hard. She wants to yell, "Why?! Why are you trying to take him away? You never needed a man to follow you before, even when they offered to! Why now? Why him? Why, Tess?" The one man Allison knows for certain that she can count on no matter what, and Tess Fontana wants him to pack up everything and move to the other side of the planet with her. It's enough to make her want to scream.

It's when her fingers snap whatever happens to be in her hand that Allison realizes that she needs to calm down. Once she is calm, though, that's when she starts calling herself a selfish bitch. She needs to support whatever Carter thinks is best, just like he has always done for her, no matter the cost to himself, physically, mentally, emotionally.

But then, few people in the world have it in them to achieve the levels of selflessness that Jack Carter has. Allison certainly has never gotten close to it.

That's when it starts all over again.

fanfiction: eureka, !fanfiction: master list

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