Fic: Pleadings and Puddle Jumpers (Birthday fic for melyanna)

Feb 22, 2007 10:36

Title: Pleadings and Puddle Jumpers
Author: angelqueen04
Rating: PG
Pairing: John/Elizabeth
Main Characters: John Sheppard, Elizabeth Weir, Other
Summary: One of them has to be the responsible one.
Warnings: Complete and utter future fluff with no redeeming qualities.
Spoilers: Nada
Beta: miera_c
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t pretend to.
Feedback: Yes please!
Author’s Notes: In honor of our beloved melyanna’s birthday, I present to her this little ficlet for her amusement. Or horror. Whatever she can get out of it. ;D Happy Birthday, Mel! *tacklehugs*

“No,” Elizabeth stated resolutely as she typed rapidly on her laptop.

“But Elizabeth, he’s going to have to learn sometime,” John protested from his seat on the other side of the desk.

She sighed and lifted her gaze from her screen. “John, we discussed this two weeks ago. What possibly makes you think I’d agree now?”

He pouted. Her husband, a grown man, pouted. Had she really found that amusing once upon a time? Just what had she been thinking?

Okay, so she still found it cute, a turn on really but that was completely beside the point. He was not going to get his way on this insane idea of his.

“Rodney says it wouldn’t bother him!”

Elizabeth stared at him. “I know Rodney has many areas of which he considers himself an expert, but I have never heard him claiming extensive knowledge on this particular area of human development.” She nodded over to the back corner of her office.

From the confines of his playpen, fourteen-month-old Ethan Sheppard blew a raspberry in his parents’ direction.

“In fact,” she continued, taking a moment to blow a kiss back at her son, “Rodney usually makes a point of saying that he knows less about children than Ronon does, mostly when you ask him to baby-sit so that we can -”

“Okay, okay!” he exclaimed, waving his hands in front of him in surrender. “So Rodney’s not exactly an expert on kids.”

“I trust I’ve made myself clear then?” Elizabeth smiled sweetly at him. “John, there is plenty for you to teach your son around here. It will not do him any harm to wait until he is at a safe and responsible age before you teach him how to fly a puddle jumper.”

“Pud’le!” Ethan shouted from his playpen, now waving one of his plush toys with one hand while holding onto the playpen with the other.

John grinned at his son before he turned back to meet Elizabeth’s gaze. “All right, so no flying yet. Even though your mom sent us a car-seat -”

“-which was not designed for the seats in the jumper,” she cut in.

He sighed. “Point taken.” Standing up, John walked over to the playpen and hoisted Ethan up. “Well, big guy, I guess since your mommy’s dead set on being the responsible one here, we’ll have to wait a little while before I teach you how to pilot the jumpers in a way that will make your Uncle Rodney scream like a girl.” Pausing in front of Elizabeth’s desk, he turned toward her and grinned wickedly. “I guess I’ll just have to settle for teaching him to work the doors so that they open even though he’s a dozen yards away. It creeps a lot of people out.”

She shook her head. John Sheppard was childish under the best of circumstances, but when it came to his son… She watched him start to carry Ethan out of her office, when he paused and looked back.

“Elizabeth, what constitutes ‘a safe and responsible age’? Five? Six?”

She made to leap up and stalk toward him, but John just laughed and moved off through the Control room, chattering animatedly to Ethan, who seemed content to listen to his father’s comforting voice. Elizabeth watched them go, and smiled slightly.

Just as she sat back down at her desk, intending to get back to finishing her reports, Sergeant Chuck Campbell slipped over from the Control room.

“Did he ask to teach Ethan how to fly the jumpers again?” he asked, grinning. When Elizabeth just raised an eyebrow in his direction, he elaborated, “It was three-to-one odds that he was going to try and talk you into letting him teach Ethan how to use the control chair.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Ethan had been born over a year ago, the first child born in Atlantis since before the Ancients abandoned the city, and yet the majority of the expedition was still thrilled to know anything and everything that went on around the baby.

They were supposed to be making historic discoveries everyday within the city and the Pegasus galaxy. Instead, they were lavishing their attention over one human child.

As ridiculous as it sounded, she couldn’t find much fault with it. It showed that they had good taste, after all. Her son was adorable.

ship: sga: weir/sheppard, fanfiction: sga, !fanfiction: master list

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