Fic: The Heart Wants

Feb 16, 2007 13:57

Title: The Heart Wants
Author: angelqueen04
Summary: The heart wants what it wants.
Type / Pairings: Gen
Main characters: Elizabeth Weir
Rating: G
Warnings: N/a
Spoilers: General spoilers for Season Four
Disclaimer: I do not own Stargate Atlantis or any of the characters and concepts associated with it, nor would I claim to do so.
Author's Notes: Yeah, Lizzie wanted to say her piece. Who am I do deny her?
Feedback: Yes please!

Her head injuries eventually heal, but headaches still often plague her. Her doctors had done all they could, given her painkillers, but the only real remedies were time and rest.

Rest, she snorts inwardly. Rest is hard to come by when she’s either stuck inside a suffocating mountain or in the apartment set aside for her in Colorado Springs. These days the only way she can get even any measure of sleep is to set her old CD player to play the ocean sounds she burned onto a CD some weeks before. She needs the ocean sounds, but even that is never quite enough. The distinctive smells and air she has grown so used to are gone. How is she supposed to rest?

But she is healing, on that much she agrees with the doctors. Slowly, but surely, she is regaining her strength. Her broken bones are all but mended; even some of the scars are faded. There is also talk of perhaps sending her back as soon as the doctors are willing to give her permission to do so. The IOA may not agree with some of the decisions she has made in the past, but they like having the military in charge of the expedition even less.

She is relieved. Though it is not something she would confide to anyone, Earth holds little solace for her. Even though she sees her mother much more often and talks to her even more, impatience churns within her. She wishes to be gone, back to a city on the ocean, back to a balcony overlooking that city, back to friends so dearly missed.

She has never felt the presence of the city like John has, or even Rodney, or any of the others with the gene, but it has seeped into her bones, changed her, just as much. And now that she is gone from it, she feels as though she is going to crawl out of her skin.

She wants to go home.

character: sga: elizabeth weir, fanfiction: sga, fanfiction: genfic, !fanfiction: master list

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