Van Con: Sunday J2 Panel Summary #VanCon

Aug 27, 2012 07:26

I've decided to split up the J2 and Misha cruise into two posts. I don't really have a lot to say on the J2 panel so this will be sort of short, but the Misha cruise was SO OVERWHELMING that it needs it's own post. So first... J2 PANEL!!

One of the first questions asked was how they felt about each of the three show runners, which could have easily been a disasterous question, but they managed to answer it very diplomatically. Jared flat out said "I love Kripke" which, yeah. Basically the show was his vision and he had five years to craft it, so there was a lot to love. As for Sara Gamble, Jared said she "did a great job," and that they were "both estatic about Jeremy Carver." These are exact quotes because I took notes during the panel. YOu can read a lot into those quotes, but I'm not going to bother analyzing them. I'm just going to leave them as is and let you guys do all the thinking. Go, fangirls, go!

At one point a fan asked what we have to do to get them into Mounty uniforms. Jared said "in all fairness, I don't think Supernatural takes place outside the United States." The fan responded with "in all fairness, there is no such thing as a Teddy Bear Doctor either." OH SNAP! Then they started getting really meta and like "there is no such thing as Sam and Dean." I can't remember if it was Jared or Jensen, but one of them looked at the fan and was like "how far do you want to take this?" It was hilarious. Props to that fan for thinking so quickly on her feet.

Then there was a glorious Destiel moment. A fan asked "who on the show besides your characters do you empathize with most?" Jensen said Castiel. I immediately put my hand on my heart and grabbed wallmakerrelict by the arm. Much aaaawwwwing was had. Then a fan shouted "DESTIEL," which got some people wooing and others booing. *sigh* It was a good enough moment as is. We didn't need to shout it at the stage. But meh. It was still the highlight of the panel for me. DESTIEL FTW.

There was another not so subtle attempt at squeezing in a Destiel question. Someone asked what would happen if Castiel was a woman for a day. They responded that nothing would change because angels just take over their vessels. They are all "junkless" as Jared pointed out. Then Jared said that Cas was technically in Claire for a day, "so there's your answer."

The pictures from Misha and Jim's panels made an appearance again. Jensen looked at them and said "oh you guys are creative." They clearly aren't RHPS fans though because neither of them seemed to recognize the drawing that was auctioned off for the John Wayne Cancer Foundation.

Then things got really interesting when Jared started to auction off a goody bag from his 30th birthday. It had a life preserver (wtf?), bottle openers, beer cozies, and various other nicknacks. One fan just kept her hand in the air through the entire auction and rapidly drove up the price into the thousands in a matter of seconds. Jared just kept saying "wow" over and over again. This woman really wanted this damn bag.

Then Jared said that if it got up to $8k he'd throw in Jensen. Then this happened.

Everyone but that one dedicated fan put their hand down. She ended up getting the goody bag at $8k. BEING RICH: DOING IT RIGHT. She just threw down $8k to a charity for a goody bag that couldn't be worth more than $50. Even if it was from Jared's birthday, that's way more than it's worth. The charity is Wounded Warriors and apparently Genevieve has a brother and another relative overseas right now fighting. I was really touched by the auction. You go girl. *fist pump*

After the Jared and Jensen panel we dropped our photos off in the car and headed to the bus pick up for the Misha Cruise...

jensen ackles, vancon, supernatural, jared padalecki

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