(no subject)

May 07, 2008 22:07

Title: Hidden Talent
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kangin / Donghae
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2717
Summary: "Ya.. What other hidden talents does that mouth hold," Shindong teased him, wrinkling his nose in amusement and pulling away from the slap to his arm as Sungmin started giggling again beside him.
Disclaimer: All in my little head.
Dedication: glonk once again for both her love for the pairing and the story that I know is formulating in her mind right now as a trade off for this one. ^_^

It was closing in on three a.m. by the time Kangin decided that they should probably head back to their rooms and get out of the smokey restaurant they'd been sitting in for the better part of the night/ early morning. It was rare that Super Junior got a proper vacation. Even rarer still when they got one where they could go somewhere and be at least some what normal and not have a hoard following after them wherever they went. That had been the beauty of this vacation destination and the small group who had readily agreed to join all agreed that it would be the perfect place to spend their four days off. Not much of a vacation but it was something.

The only problem had been the main thing that had attracted them to the island in the first place, however. No one recognized them, so all the worry of what the public would think or who would find out what was dramatically lessened and their hair was let down, so to speak. They'd felt free to do as they pleased with no managers to scold them, and as such they'd been out drinking and just relaxing half the night with no thoughts of what could happen if they weren't careful. Kangin briefly thought on the issue as he watched Kyuhyun carry a squirming, whining Heechul from the bar over his shoulder and didn't miss the sharp smack that was delivered to the older man's backside as they turned out of the door and the instant darkening of his eyes and halting of any other sound before they disappeared from view. He didn't waste much more time thinking about it, sitting and drinking a few more as the members dwindled down two or three at a time until only he had been left, with Donghae on one side of him and Shindong and Sungmin on the opposite end of the small table.

He and Shindong had been having a serious conversation for once, as serious as you could be after being supplied with drinks for four hours from a staff that didn't know what was going on but recognized the fact that the large group that had suddenly taken over their establishment had money to spend and planned on showing them a good time, and he hadn't been paying attention to the two younger boys beside them until he heard the giggling start. Sometime between drinks they had managed to acquire a large bowl of cocktail cherries and had lost interest in the alcohol, deciding that there was more fun to be had in figuring out how to tie the fruit's stems with nothing but the use of their tongues and teeth.

"Kangin hyung! Watch!" Sungmin gasped, an amazed look on his face as Donghae grabbed another cherry from the bowl and let Sungmin bite it free before popping the stem into his mouth. He looked up at Kangin with a grin as he moved it around in his mouth with his tongue, working it steadily for a few moments before sticking his tongue out slowly, a knotted stem coming back out with it for his hyung's inspection before dropping it down in front of him with the pile of three or four others on the table. He had obviously figured out the secret quickly and wasn't bothered with showing it to whoever would give him the attention now that he realized all eyes were on him. Winking at Kangin, he leaned over to grab the older man's drink and took a lazy sip, barely registering the words coming to him from the other side of the table.

"Ya.. What other hidden talents does that mouth hold," Shindong teased him, wrinkling his nose in amusement and pulling away from the slap to his arm as Sungmin started giggling again beside him. Kangin and Shindong shared a glance as the two younger boys collapsed into their giggles again before getting up simultaneously from their seats, deciding it was time to go before they got much worse. It didn’t take much convincing at all on Shindong’s part to get his best friend up and out of his seat, motioning to the door as he supported the leaning figure against his side and looked up at Kangin. After being assured he was fine, the two made their way out of the restaurant and back up to the room, leaving the man to look down at his friend, arms crossed over his broad chest.

“Let’s go, Lush,” he mumbled, eyeing Donghae as the man grabbed for another cherry and shaking his head before lifting him carefully to his feet and wrapping an arm around his waist to pull him along. He was half tempted to take a page from their youngest’s book and throw the smaller body over his shoulder, before remembering his method for shutting up his captive and shaking the thought out of his head quickly, licking over his lips and looking down at the slightly shorter man.

“One for the road,” Donghae finally spoke up for the first time since Kangin had been brought into the whole cherry debacle and popped the red sphere into his mouth with his eyes on Kangin’s, a giggle falling from his lips before allowing himself to be pulled along the same path that the rest of their members had followed throughout the night. “I can walk,” he complained as they headed toward the elevators of the building adjacent to the restaurant, their rooms seeming to call for them now that they were so close. He didn’t, however, make any attempt to remove himself from the strong grip, only nestling further into the sturdy side and resting his head on Kangin’s shoulder as they began their ascent.

“Mhmm,” Kangin mumbled though his hand remained in its same spot on the smaller than it looked waist and squeezing lightly. “It seems you’re a pro at a lot of things tonight, huh,” he questioned offhandedly, watching the number increase floor by floor til they were at theirs and dragging him along to the room he knew belonged to the other man. He could still see that cheeky grin on the other’s face as he manipulated the stem in his mouth and he knew that the same one was probably looking up at him at that moment as he waited expectantly for the door to be opened.

“Teukie-Angel and Siwon-ah started a card game in their room; most of the members are in there. You’re not going to leave me alone til then, are you,” he heard the question as he watched the smaller than his own hand fumble the key in the door before pushing it in himself and looking down at the sleepy smile on Donghae’s face as he pulled him into the room with him without waiting for an answer to be made.

“What are you waiting for? Move quickly,” Donghae scolded as he looked up at the older man still hovering in the door and making a face at him. “How many years have we lived together,” he questioned, shaking his head as he kicked off his shoes and tossed his shirt to the floor before crawling in under the covers and settling against the pillows. “Are you so worried that now I will bite?” With a sly grin he watched the look change on Kangin’s face and shuffled over in the bed so there was enough room for the bigger body as he crawled in on the opposite side.

"Shut your mouth," Kangin grumbled back after a moment, rolling his eyes and reaching out to cover Donghae's mouth with his hand, eyeing him carefully. "I don't know how I get stuck babysitting every time one of you gets wasted. Be a man and learn to.." he started, wanting to lecture the other on his poor alcohol tolerance before gasping and pulling his hand away as if burned when he felt a warm tongue drag across his palm. "What was that?!"

Donghae could only grin, moving to lean on his elbow and look over at Kangin's face. "Don't act so surprised. I saw your eyes when I was showing you the cherry stem. Shall I show you what else my mouth can do," he questioned slyly, moving over him before Kangin could respond and pinning his arms down with surprising strength. It was nothing that Korea's #1 couldn't get himself out of, obviously, but he didn't think about that long as the lips attached themselves to the pulse point on his neck, tongue moving over the vein there slowly as he sucked the skin just enough to not leave a mark in the morning.

Kangin started to speak again after a moment, blinking his eyes open and pushing at Donghae's shoulders but it was his turn to be quieted as two fingers were pressed against his lips before the mouth moved its way down his body, biting softly on the tanned flesh as his fingers moved down to open his pants and push them quickly down off of his hips before the older man had a chance to stop him and grinning again as he heard the shocked hiss of the cool air meeting his heated skin and knowing he'd won. At least for now.

“I will take care of you. Don’t worry so much,” he murmured, his hands rubbing over Kangin’s hips slowly as he kissed down Kangin’s stomach, giggling as the older man jumped at the small bite just below his stomach. “You’re always so serious,” were his last words before ducking his head down and letting his tongue move up a muscular thigh and sucking on the skin roughly, not caring about any marks left here. When it was darkened to the younger man's liking, he pulled away enough to look up at the other's chest and the way his breathing had quickened from the attention he was being given.

He hadn't made a noise at all yet, but Donghae wasn't discouraged. He knew that he would have him exactly as he wanted him before the night was through. Licking over his lips, he moved his hand down and brushed his fingertips lightly over Kangin's erection, taking in the heave of his chest as he was touched and the way his teeth sunk down into dry lips as he looked back at him, locking eyes. The smaller man could only offer a small smile, eyebrows raising for a moment before leaning down and flattening his tongue against him, dragging it slowly up the length and taking pride in the choked whimper it got from him. Barely enough for him to hear, but it was enough.

Further motivated with at least the tiniest of confirmations that the man beneath him was enjoying this, he wrapped his fingers tightly around the base of Kangin's erection, sliding his hand once up and down firmly before leaning down and swirling his tongue around the head and up over the tip. His other hand, still resting on a firm hip until now, trailed down over Kangin's thigh as he did this and he could feel the muscle beneath his touch tremble with his actions and he let out a pleased sigh at the feeling.

Closing his eyes after confirming for himself that Kangin was enjoying this, he wrapped his lips around the head of his cock and exhaled slowly through his nose as he began to bob his head in steady strokes in the other man’s lap, fingers running back and forth over his hips and thighs but not manipulating his body in any other way than what his mouth was doing, letting Kangin have control throughout.

He was some what disappointed after a few long moments in Kangin’s lack of sound, wanting to hear the normally all together too loud man voicing his appreciation for his ‘demonstration. It didn’t matter to him too much in the long run, however, when he felt strong fingers tangle themselves in his hair and tug it just enough to move his head along and he let out a low moan as he let his tongue rub firmly along the underside of his length and the sensitive vein that ran down it, getting a gasp for his efforts, which he resigned himself to being as good as he was going to get.

He could tell immediately when the larger of the two was getting close to his end, the hand in his hair tightening almost painfully in his hair as he started to roll his hips up in time with the movement of Donghae’s mouth and the tiniest of whines coming from the back of his throat. That enough would have been enough to satisfy the younger man as he worked, but he was always a fan of a big finish and he wasn’t one to leave things without their proper ending when he could help it. Moaning around Kangin, he tightened his grip on the man’s hips as he hollowed out his cheeks, sucking harder on the pulsing length. Eyes drifted open after a moment and another noise came from deep in his chest at the way Kangin was staring at him as their eyes met, only moments before he came into his mouth with a violent shudder and a long exhale as if the steam was finally being let out of his overheated body, the kettle boiling over so to speak.

Donghae pulled up after a few more moments, a feline grin on his face as he licked at his lips slowly before settling himself back down next to the still trembling body and nuzzled his face into Kangin’s neck, pulling the blankets around them. “Go to sleep, hyung,” he murmured with a giggle as Kangin turned towards him with a look on his face as though he was about to demand answers to something he’d clearly wanted from the beginning and hadn’t put an ounce of fight in to stop. “This demonstration was free of charge. Next time I show you one of my tricks you can pay me back,” he mumbled sleepily, already starting to nod off against the warm body.


Sun streaming directly into Donghae’s eyes awoke the young man with a groan, a hand reaching up to rub at his head gently. He’d gone overboard again with the whiskey, but he knew he would as soon as Teukie had set the first glass down in front of him. He couldn’t disappoint his leader on a rare night off when the other had looked so happy for the first time in a while, though. He vaguely remembered something about Sungmin and a bowl of cherries before rolling over and closer into the warm body beside him before pausing and peeking an eye open to see exactly who it was sleeping in his bed with him.

Noting the blankets that were pooling loosely around a bare hip, Donghae opened both eyes wider as they slowly trailed up the all too familiar chest before settling on a smirking face as Kangin looked down at him, hand cradling his head as he waited for the younger man to wake up fully. Chuckling after a few moments, Kangin ran a hand through Donghae’s hair and the smaller man furrowed his brows before being pushed onto his back with a gasp and looking up at the man above him.

“I know what you said,” he heard the other murmur huskily and it sent a shiver down his spine as he gripped the blanket beside him to keep himself from doing something foolish. “But I have a few hidden talents of my own. Care to see,” he questioned before pressing his lips down firmly against Donghae’s his weight being lowered down onto him until they were pressed tightly against each other’s. His mind flashed back to the bowl of cherries again for a moment but he couldn’t find himself caring about the reason why, or even the fact that he hated cherries, as Kangin’s hands all but ripped his pants from his small frame. Sungmin could tie in the missing threads later, but for right now, he knew how the story would end, and he was perfectly content as long as it finished with a bang.

!island, character: donghae, pairing: kangin/donghae, fandom: super junior, rating: nc-17, character: kangin

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