Title: Laugh (Prompt #015)
Rating: G- PG
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: Pansy replies to Greg's first letter and then he responds.
[Letter postmarked St. Petersburg, Russia]
As much as I miss you both, I don't know that I want to leave here very quickly. I am currently laughing my arse off at the news from little River Montgomery (which I paid her handsomely for prior to leaving Hogwarts)- apparently the three of us going 'missing', what with Tracey and myself disappearing so close together - has brassed that bint McGonagall right off. River says the woman is demanding a head count every bloody night, from all the Houses.
Oh, and she had the most intriguing news. Apparently Draco has been sneaking off not to carry out orders from the bastard, but to meet with a girl - a certain fire haired Gryffindor that we all thought was just a fling. At least it's the girl Weasley. Pick yourself up off the floor, I was shocked as well. I'll pass along any further information I receive, I promise.
Meanwhile, I'm content to stay with the Stephanos family. Dimitri's father has suggested that keeping us all separated is, for now, the safest and wisest option. I don't even mind living amongst Muggles. The Russian Ministry doesn't dare fine me for using magic inside the grounds of the estate- it does pay to have the pertinent officials either in the family or owned by the family.
Must run, Dimi's sister Lucia has arrived to take me shopping. I do hope you and Trace are doing well.
[Greg's reply]
Are you shagging Dimitri? I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. If you wish to stay there, then by all means do so. Stay as long as you like, but just know that you are always welcome here with us. We've all been through too much already to sacrifice any small bit of happiness that we can find.
Tracey We are doing just fine. You know me well enough to know that I'd not allow harm to come to my wife. Yes, you can see the memory when you stop shagging Dimitri long enough to travel here arrive.
Abbs is secure and won't be able to come to us as soon as we'd hoped. The newest information we have is that those bastards are still searching for her and you. Be safe.