Title: Broken (Prompt #003)
Rating: R for mention of drug and alcohol use as well as language
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character: Greg Goyle
Author's Notes: Greg's response to
this letter from Tracey. There is frequent Little Prince quoting. Greg and Tracey call each other Val and Maeve as well.
We're over? Done? If you meant that then I should crawl off and die right now. Maybe I should anyway. It's not worth surviving with you so far away.
That - the not doing well on your Charms challenge- was why I didn't write back. I hold you back. I always have. I'm no good for you. I shouldn't be writing this now not with the amount of alcohol I've got in me I adore you, you're my rose for fuck's sake. Why else would I let you go? I'm sure Theodore is there waiting for you. I'm sorry that I fucked up what you were building with him. Rave and Lex have proven to be grand friends and drinking mates.
We went to a Pow Wow a few weeks back and I have to say that Rave's tribe has the BEST stuff to pass around the bonfire. It left me feeling all floaty. Kinda like I do right now. I didn't have to think about how much danger I put you in or how much I hurt you.
My Maeve, Mo Rós I hoped that by not contacting you that I would be keeping you safe. I can see that I've fucked that up as well. Can I do nothing right?
I NEED you even if you don't need me anymore
I'm broken without you here.
Your Val
Raven's Letter to Tracey - sent right after Greg's
He's drunk and he's high. Sadly, that meant I had less chance of wrestling that damn letter away from him than usual. Ignore what he said - unless of course he said 'I'm madly in love with you.' Otherwise, like I said please ignore what he said. Well...other than he's broken completely without you. When the hell are you coming to visit? I don't think there is anything Lex and me can do other than keep him drunk and high as not to do something totally stupid.
Get yourself here NOW, I BEG of you. I'm going to go save your boy from drunken stupidity- hopefully.