#152: Rec List - Pansy Parkinson (Harry Potter)

Oct 04, 2015 23:55

Rectober day three, and I'm already slippin': All the single ladies. Well, in the end, it will be just one badass lady: Pansy Parkinson. And just three fics all about her. (She's awesome, I love her.)

Title: The Pure and Simple Truth
Author: lettered
Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry/Draco (so very background and not the point of the fic at all), Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley, Hermiome Granger, Blaise Zabini.
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 65.482
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: lots of politics, sjws, angsty, redemption fic for Draco especially, Blaise Zabini being Oscar Wilde's character true story.
Summary: Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations.

Why I loved it: I admit I've read it for drarry and in that regard it's a total let down. I mean, not because the pairing sucks, because it's awesome and so are both Draco and Harry, but it's barely in the fic. The focus is on the Slytherins working with Gryffindors, becoming friends, getting over the past. And it's brilliant.

Excerpt: “No hard feelings,” said Pansy. “I was a complete cow at Hogwarts.”

“Er.” Ron scratched the back of his neck again. “You’re not going to list off all the mistakes you made, are you? Because it could take a while.”

“The only mistake in Weasley Is Our King is that ‘porcine’ doesn’t rhyme with ‘phlegmatic’ at all,” said Pansy.

Title: After the War
Author: redcandle17
Pairing(s)/Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Blaise Zabini
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2. 562
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: Friendship fic. Gift/Exchange fic for me. Post-war.
Summary: Pansy Parkinson goes missing from the Wizarding world after the war, leaving her friends to fear the worst.

Why I loved it: Someone wrote me Pansy Parkinson, what's not to love?

Excerpt: She’s not going to stay here and die because the rest of them are too stupid to turn precious Potter over to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord is not to be defied. Pansy’s seen the changes in Draco and even in her own father. She knows that serving him is dangerous and that opposing him is the only thing more dangerous. All she wants is to be far away from it all.

So she runs.

Title: ugly: in defense of pansy parkinson
Author: dirgewithoutmusic
Pairing(s)/Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass, Rita Skeeter
Rating: PG13/Teen And Up
Word Count: 4.880
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: not!fic
Summary: “Why are you here?” Parvati asked Pansy once. People asked her a lot, when they found her in Flourish and Blotts, or at work on the Prophet. Their eyes raked her, looking for green, for silver, for venom. Sometimes she'd smile back and let them see the danger.

"Because I'm not fifteen anymore," said Pansy. "God, do you know what precious Potter Sr. got up to at school, the bully? But boys get to grow up to be men, you see, and us girls just grow up to be bitches."

Why I loved it: Because Pansy deserved redemption more than many others who got it. And because this is Pansy I really like.

Excerpt: Luna's father was willing to spend three lives to save Luna's. He had their sympathy. Pansy offered up one boy for hundreds of souls. It was not brave, but we are not asking you to call her a hero. We are asking you to give her the dignity of considering her life worth living.

Harry went. Pansy offered up his life in trade, but Harry took the deal. This was what made him a hero. This was what made her terrified.

And just one fanart and two aesthetic posts to round this up!

Found here.

Found here.

Found here.

rec post, pansy parkinson, rectober, fic rec, fic rec: harry potter, recs

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