#151: Rec List - Philip Anderson (Sherlock BBC)

Oct 03, 2015 20:34

Rectober day two: "Nobody loves that asshole like I do." - PHILIP ANDERSON.

A full rec list of fics about and heavily including Philip Anderson. I will probably need to make these lists even shorter (like top three or something fics, depanding on the prompt) due to the painful lack of time I have for enjoying this meme. But for now I finally have the weekend after attending 8 hours long training on my day off, so I shall indulge rec hungry chaps and my Anderson love. ;)

Title: a fall from you is a long way down
Author: temporaryage
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson/OFC, Anderson/Sally
Rating: PG-13/Teen and Up
Word Count: 6.816
Warnings: infidelity, swearing
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: This was actually a gift fic for me written durring sherlockmas challenge.
Summary: Anderson’s marriage: how it begins and how it ends.

Why I loved it: Omg, so you know you know this awesome feeling, when you get a fic written for you in a challenge or exchange or whatever? And it's always brilliant, because it's just for you? But then sometimes you get the fic that is so absolutely spectacular that it hit everything you wanted, including some things you never even requested? This is this fic. It gave me a proper, well-written, not perfect, but not absolutely horrible either, very real and believable Anderson. ♥

Excerpt: “Why can’t you ever be happy for me?” she’s sobbing, twenty minutes later, packing a bag so she can stay at her mother’s.

Because you can’t ever be fucking sad for me, he wants to shout back at her, and he can feel them moving farther and farther apart every single time he can’t speak to her, every time he knows the answer but can’t just say it.

Title: Everyone Hates Anderson
Author: 221BeeMine (mazzer)
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson, John
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1.789
Warnings: angst
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: Reichenbach Feels, fangirl Anderson, Drinking Your Feelings
Summary: John frowned. "I’m afraid--I don’t think I’ve ever actually--heard your first name?”

Why I loved it: I have a soft spot for Anderson being the only one right about Sherlock and everyone thinking he went crazy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Excerpt: “I’m a bloody forensic pathologist,” Anderson spat. “I’ve seen jumpers. Lots. But no one listened. No one--not even--no one ever listens.”

There was a long tense silence as the men stared at each other. John shook his head, put his hand over his mouth. Anderson reached over and patted his knee, awkwardly, then grabbed the bottle and refilled both glasses.

Title: For Science
Author: Castiron
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson/Sherlock
Rating: Explicit / NC17
Word Count: 5.146
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: open relationship, frenemies with benefits?
Summary: John shook his head, then suddenly smirked. "You know what your real problem with Anderson is? It's the unresolved sexual tension." Sherlock performs an experiment to prove John wrong.

Why I loved it: If you ever wanted to try just one Anderlock - go with this one. It's beautiful. And lacks all the issues with omg, how do they fall in love? (Spoiler: They don't.) How can Anderson cheat on his wife?! (Spoiler: He doesn't.) Also, sexy parts are niiice.

Excerpt: "You must have shown some signs; there's always signs. Change in personal space alloted, eye contact...."

"Not this again. Do you ever stop?"

"...frequency of casual touch, respiration when in proximity, facial expression when you converse - what did I miss?"

"Oh, for God's sake." Anderson took three steps and pushed Sherlock down onto the bed.

Title: Drunken Ficlet: Once
Author: greywash
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson/Sally
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Word Count: 431
Warnings: infidelity
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: Hot, short.
Summary: Anonymous requested: Anderson/Donovan; why she was on her knees that night.

Why I loved it: I have a thing for Sally fucking people. With enough time to look through my saved links and do some additional reading I could probably do a seperate rec list of fics with this theme. Hm. Worth considering later.

Excerpt: He doesn't tell her, You are what I thought I didn't want but you might be what I need, or, You have never, not once, made me wonder if I am less than I am. Instead, he tells her, "If she would, I wouldn't ask you," and he tells himself that tonight, at least, it's the truth.

Title: The Perils Of Being A Yarder
Author: afteriwake
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson, Other Yarders
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1.161
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: cracky, funny, this one is also a gift for me. What can I say? I'm awesome. And so are my prompts. ;D
Summary: There was oh so much that the assorted members of Scotland Yard would do to avoid having to work with Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes it was winning a contest or a bribe or a gift from the most revered person in the Yard, but only if you were lucky. Anderson knew this all too well.

Why I loved it: I like it when people put my crazy headcanons in fics. XD The summary says it all, really.

Excerpt: There was a race in the office one time, where everyone navigated the course in office chairs. Anderson fell out of his chair trying to avoid a collision with Matthew and ended up spraining his wrist. He got a pass that week, but got told as soon as the wrist healed and he was a hundred percent it would be his time with Holmes. He’d almost considered breaking his wrist on the way to the hospital just to put that time off.

And now I'm going to be a terrible narcissit and prove to you that I love this wanker. Brace yourself for self-recs!

Title: First Body
Author: andrea_deer
Pairing(s)/Characters: Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Sally, Anderson.
Rating: PG13/Teen And Up
Word Count: 681
Warnings: mentions of suicide, dead bodies, trauma, traumatised kids
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: 5 parts fic, pre-series
Summary: Five characters of Sherlock seeing dead bodies for the first time. No real point besides that.

Excerpt: He was six and locked securely in his seat that was put on the passenger's side. The car got hit and was pushed off the road, rotating until it landed supported by the tree, on the side Anderson was on. Putting his mother above him, trapped in seatbelts and wrung metal, with her long red hair falling down to tickle his face.

Title: Two killers walk into a bar...
Author: andrea_deer
Pairing(s)/Characters: Anderson, Sebastian Moran, James Moriarty.
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 348
Warnings: -
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: pre-series, with a twist, one of my favourite mad headcanons
Summary & Excerpt: The very first time they've met, they were surprised how easily they fell into a comfortable conversation. Without any life-altering confessions or deeds they simply started talking and sentences flew smoothly and with an ease they usually had to fight for so hard with other people.

Title: Turn around and smell what you don’t see
Author: andrea_deer
Pairing(s)/Characters: (pre) Anderson/Sherlock
Rating: PG13/Teen And Up
Word Count: 2.781
Warnings: confinment, sense depravation, kidnapping, D/s themes
Notes/Tags/Additional Info: One of those fics to which I've promised a porny sequel and never wrote it XD Someone actually asked me if they could write it, I said yes, but I never heard about it getting done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: “But it did break-up your marriage. Well, that, your affairs, dissatisfaction and rather obvious attraction to me.” Sherlock deduces Anderson and is quite surprised at his findings.

Excerpt: “You played football at the university.”

The sigh that came from Anderson this time sounded more amused than annoyed, his longish hair touching Sherlock’s as he shook his head in wonder.

“I will really believe you’re a genius if you can guess the position.”

And the finall self rec is not even a fic! What is this! Complete disregard of any rules! It is chaos! But still, have the anderlock silly vid I've made one upon a time.

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self rec, rec post, rectober, fic rec, vid rec, character: anderson

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