
Sep 14, 2007 15:45

Yes, I'm posting here. Mostly because the last time I tried to speak my mind on that other journal service, I got dogpiledPlus, I need to write this where people who actually know me can read it ( Read more... )

school, health, life

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Comments 9

moronqueen September 15 2007, 00:58:10 UTC
*hugs* Stress is a Bad Thing when it comes to any health related issue...especially when it comes to seriouse ones...

Really hope it works out for you...


ashe_romeo September 15 2007, 03:56:20 UTC
You know, the fact that you're still trying in the face of all this hardship means a hell of a lot. Of course you're gonna be scared, of course you're gonna expect the worst. And you shouldn't feel stupid at all for wanting to better yourself. *hugs*

Have you tried something along the lines of online courses? I know most colleges offer something like that, something like taking classes over the net rather than actually being in school.


ashe_romeo September 15 2007, 03:56:52 UTC
and btw, Scriblit are all a bunch of assholes. They can s my d.


glittergodzilla September 15 2007, 04:36:06 UTC
Despite all the hardship your going through, it's really great to see you going to school again, the very best of luck and I hope you enjoy it.


fishchick September 16 2007, 04:34:22 UTC
I just wandered here from Silent Hill Fanfiction Archive, but I have to make a comment after reading over your link to your Scriblit entry:

Those people are a bunch of fuckers and have no idea what they are talking about.


anarchicq September 16 2007, 22:12:16 UTC
My personal favorite part is where the founder of Scrib says things like "You have the right to post whatever you want." "Use this journal like you normally would" and then "This entry is unacceptable"
You can't have it both ways dear.


fishchick September 17 2007, 01:12:45 UTC
You can't have it both ways dear.

I thought that was especially creepy. If you want to make a club that you can be in charge of, don't pretend you're making a legitimate web service.

I think it's some kind of demented variant of PC that makes people think that "everyone's problems are equal." Try actually getting to know some people who have significant disabilities and then maybe the fact that your nail polish chipped and nobody's IMing you will be in the proper perspective.


thekiwiwhoflew September 17 2007, 10:43:58 UTC
What in the FUCK? I read that scribblit link and that was DISGUSTING the way those wangsty little animutard tweenagers jumped on you like that. Fuck them and their wangsty teen drama, dude. What in the hell, how dare they? Seriously Q. How dare they undermine what you went through because they have to whine about how someone didn't ask them to prom or their anime twincest fic didn't get a reviews.


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