Ten surefire ways to beat depression and get happy

Aug 10, 2007 23:11

I have suffered from depression for ... well, I don't know how long. But a long time. I think this makes me qualified to speak as an expert, at least on this one subject. Nearly every day is a constant battle, and to be perfectly honest with you, I'm sick of it. I hate the constant fight, the never ending struggle. So with this post I'm going ( Read more... )

depression, power_blogging

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Comments 7

wardellen August 11 2007, 07:01:56 UTC
Good for you!


aarchaela August 12 2007, 00:38:48 UTC
Great list. I used most of these in my own transformation from suicidal goth to my blissed out present self, especially 1, 2, 4, and 5.


anamacha August 12 2007, 06:45:11 UTC
sweet! Thanks for the kind words and I'm also glad to know that the suggestions worked for people, even if I didn't make them yet.


anamacha August 14 2007, 22:06:43 UTC
blissed out ... heh, I just realised what you said. I'd love to be that way, really.


rhianwyn August 14 2007, 13:48:06 UTC
The happiness in my heart for you right now is immeasurable...

I have so missed this guy :)


anamacha August 14 2007, 22:05:23 UTC
He makes an appearance every now and then :)


anonymous October 27 2008, 05:12:15 UTC
Thank you so much. This is a very worthwhile list. I think I'll keep it handy. =) O looky there, I just did #5. ;)


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