jobsearch part 01

Jul 25, 2007 17:02

As you know, I'm unemployed. As of Monday last, I really started looking for jobs. First think I did was to update my resume on Monster and a few other job services ( Read more... )


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Comments 1

wardellen July 26 2007, 00:17:48 UTC
From their website it appears to me that they're basically door-to-door sales people, but for legal services. I get the impression that a business or group of employees can pay into a plan that kind of keeps a team of attorneys on retainer for legal questions that come up; all the employees pay a few dollars a month so no one has to pay the huge fees that usually come with a more detailed legal consultation.

I don't know what kind of company would want such services... If you have that many employees with legal problems, you probably should stop hiring convicts out on parole...


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