2010 Podbang Announcement and FAQ

Aug 10, 2010 22:35

the amplificathon (and the many and varied (but averaging three) brains that meld into one podmod) is very pleased to announce the second Podbang annual big!giant!epic!sekrit! podfic gift exchange!

whoa! you say! what the heck is that? you ask!

well. you've got questions? we do seem to have a couple of answers. \o/

welcome to the second annual podbang faq, presented by amplificathon!

what the heck is a podbang?
it's a word we kind of invented. coined? anyway, we came up with it last year. it's a scheme to get everyone presents, basically. surprise presents of novel-length podfic. we're encouraging gift givers to look to the various big bang challenges throughout fandom to choose the gifts they want to give--hence the name. (but not exclusively big bang fics! it's just, you know, that's a handy place to start. also, catchy title. we are not immune to gimmicks.)

who is running this thing and why?
your co-mods are aphelant, raz0rgirl, and general_jinjur. superstitiousme deserves all the credit for originating the idea, and for being enthusiastic, energetic, and willing to do a lot of research.

we wanted to expand the amplificathon, and to satisfy the craving for longer podfics. we love surprises, and presents, so a challenge that results in novel-length surprise-present podfics? there is no bad.

also, two annual podfic challenges? twice as awesome as one.

what's the timeframe & what are the deadlines?
August 10th-22th: participants comment to the sign-up post with the fandoms in which they would be interested in receiving a gift.

participants need only list one fandom, but the more fandoms they list, the easier time their readers will have picking out just the right story.

participants may list up to two negative preference elements per fandom to help guide their reader. this is not required. we can't allow prompts, really, or preferences, because that would make finding a story too challenging, but your reader isn't going to want to give you something you hate. (please do not try to request specific stories or to give a laundry list of your likes and dislikes--in order for the participant making your gift to enjoy themselves and the process, they are going to need to find a story they believe you will both like, so the bigger you can allow the field to be, the better off you both are.)

these sign-up comments will be visible for excitement value!

August 23rd-31st: a list of requested fandoms will be posted to amplificathon. all participants will be asked to comment (comments will be screened) with any fandoms on the list that they are willing to read, as well as an email address where they can be reached.

this post will also be a call for pinch hitters who might be able to pick something up in November and/or early December and turn it around fast enough to cover any dropouts. we want to guarantee that everyone who puts a gift recording in will get one out! if you are a participant who may be able to pinch hit, say so--and if you are not a participant, but are still willing to pinch hit, comment with an email address where you can be reached.

we will also be asking for volunteer artists in this post! this is not a commitment, but if you comment with an email address (or if you accept lj messages, that also works) and a comment that you may be able to make cover art for participants. podmod will make a list of potential artists and their contact info available to participants by request only--we expect that many of the candidate stories will have existing artwork, and that many readers will want to make covers themselves, so we are not formally coordinating this, just connecting people. :)

September 3rd: assignments will be emailed to participants by midnight. (midnight in what time zone? we're not saying.) we ask that you keep your assignment under your hat, as much as possible. since you will probably need to ask the author (unless they are one of the many people who have made statements saying they grant blanket podfic permission!), total secrecy is kind of impossible. but please try! :p

November 1st: check in--this is pretty early, but we wanted to give everyone an opportunity to ask for help if they need it, and to drop out if they absolutely have to.

December 1st: podfic due by the end of the day--participants email a link to the file and the story details to audmod@gmail.com, or drop the info into an lj message at the podmod account. we scramble to fill all late defaults and call on our pinch hitters.

December 20th: all gifts go live!

what fics qualify?
any story that is 20,000 words or more, written any year, or anything written and submitted to any big bang-type challenge.

if you choose something seriously epic length? you get more glory, in theory. 20,000 is the minimum, but we strongly encourage those who can go for longer fics, or even multiple 20k fics, to go for it. <3 what goes around comes around!

so does the story i read have to have come from a big bang challenge?
nope! either a big bang story, or a story of 20,000 words or longer. we just, erm, like 'em big.

what if i want to participate with a co-reader?
that would be awesome! you and your co-reader would count as one participant, and share a gift. we are also fine with people participating twice (or more), if they get really excited and want to enter both as an individual and as part of a pair or group of readers.

what about crossposting?
once we've announced on December 20, you can post about your recording and/or link to it and/or archive it wherever you want. it belongs to you and your recipient and the whole world, yay!

what format should i save my file in?
mp3, please! if you want to convert to m4b as well, go for it--but the mods are ready to create those files for you, so it's all good. send us the cover art or a link to the cover art, and we'll add that to the podbook files.

do i need to prove that i have the author's (and artist's) permission?
we expect all participants to have a basic grasp of etiquette, and to ask the author whenever the author hasn't already given a blanket permission. if you are using existing artwork not made by you, ask the artist. :) we are not going to ask for proof.

how do i upload files?
please use yousendit, mediafire, box.net, or megaupload, or whatever. or your own webspace. then email to tell us where it is. we will grab it and give it a permanent home.

how do i find stories?
we have a handy-dandy list of all of the big bang challenges we could scare up! but we're also pretty sure that we all know plenty of writers who churn out awesome long-form fic.

this list is currently being revised! if you know a big bang not on the list, drop it in a comment!

American Idol (Adam Lambert)

American Idol (Kris Allen/Adam Lambert)

Round One (2008)
Round Two (2009)
Round Three (2010) Wave One/Wave Two (a-m) (n-z)

Bandom Girls

Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)

Criminal Minds

Dong Bang Shin Ki

Dr. Who / Torchwood

Due South/Canadian 6 Degrees


German Music

Gossip Girl
(2010) posts in September

Harry Potter (Gen)

Harry Potter (Harry/Draco)

Harry Potter (Hermione Granger)

Harry Potter (Next Generation)

Harry Potter (Severus Snape)

Harry Potter (Sirius Black)

Heroes/Heroes RPS

High School Musical

Round One (2007)
Round Two (2008)

(2011) - posts in January 2011

(2010) - posting begins November 4, 2010


Multi-Fandom (Alternate Universe)

Multi-Fandom (Crossovers)

Multi-fandom (Femslash)

Multi-Fandom (Un big bang en français)
Round One (2008)

Multi-fandom (Genderbending)
Round One (2009) - Posting begins September 1st

Multi-Fandom (Kink)
Round One (2009) - Posting ends November 30th

Multi-Fandom (Korean crossovers)

Multi-Fandom (Polyamory)
Round One (2009) - Posting Begins October 22nd

Multi-fandom (Real Person Fiction)
Round One (2009) - Posting begins October 8th.

Multi-Fandom (Science Fiction/Fantasy)
Round One (2009) - Posting schedule December 1-15

Multi-fandom (Small Fandom)
Round One (2008) - Tag
Round Two (2009) - Posting Begins after November 1st

Multi-Fandom (Small Fandom)
Check out the community for polls; no challenge yet scheduled

Round One (2008) Masterlist
Round Two (2009) - Posting begins November 1st

Round One (2010)

Round One (2008)

Robin Hood
Round One (2009) - Posting begins November 1st

(2010) posts in August

Smallville (Clark/Lex)
Challenge Website (2006) is not a working link--anyone know where these are?

Star Trek
Round One (2009) - Posting October 28th-November 30th

Stargate: Atlantis
2007 challenge
2008 challenge
2009 challenge(posting begins November 13th)

Stargate: SG1
Round One (2009) - Posting began June 15th (one story posted per week until they run out)

2010 posting starts October 1st

2007 challenge
2008 challenge
2009 Posting June 8th thru August 14th

Supernatural (Crossovers)
Round One (2009) masterlist

Tenipuri (Prince of Tennis)
Round One (2010) - Posting will begin in late January 2010

X Files
2009 Posting November 5

post:mod, podbang:2010

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