Now I Know How Joan of Arc Felt

Nov 09, 2010 18:01

Er, I've been away.

No shit, Sherlock, you may say. Yes, yes, I deserve that. I won't bore with excuses, but here's some stuff I vaguely remember.
Cut for Length )

you're standing on my neck, toria, rambling, vacation, movies, trendspotting, holidays, apologies, friends, annoyances, sherlock holmes, shakespeare, family

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Comments 6

surreallifehero November 9 2010, 23:55:34 UTC
Dude, the end conversation = PURE GOLD.

That zombie walk looks amazing. I would have liked to have seen it but I was stuck here. But I was excited when I first heard about it. Pics of your costume or it didn't happen.

And Sherlock is so gay. I have been watching it with Brett and that poor fool knows nothing about Sherlock Holmes in any capacity. When something started happening last week (I don't remember at what point in the show I said this but) I said "Moriarty!" and he responded with a "...who's that?"

He didn't realise that the same person was behind everything. "Wait, so you're saying that all the crimes were all one criminal mastermind?" "Yes, James Moriarty. Don't you know anything about him?" "No...?" "He's like, Sherlock's nemesis." "...Oh."

Silly man.

I don't think I said anything really exciting in the last week or so, so don't stress about my feed.


amphitritie November 10 2010, 23:28:03 UTC
Ah, that show has SO many good quotes. THer'll be more later Well, I can't promise as shiny gold as that one, but what can I say, I'm impatient for my marshmallows. Guess, I'm less likely to be successful in life ( ... )


surreallifehero November 11 2010, 02:00:21 UTC
He seemed to genuinely not know who Moriarty is, but then he could have been messing with me, he does that a lot.

I know you are an asexual!Sherlock person, but this version is kind of not. Just subtly. He is too cute to not be. ^.^

Enjoy yourself. But seriously, it was a lot of me describing my day for my own benefit. I haven't written any fic lately. I need to, I kind of want to, but I just don't know where to go with it and I'm super busy. Maybe over thanksgiving break.


quadruplify November 11 2010, 04:04:16 UTC
Don't worry about dropping off the face of the earth like that -- I've sorta been the same way lately too. ;-)

OMG, The Smiths = AWESOME. Especially the song you quote in the subject line. ^_^;

My parents and sister went to see TSO last weekend, and they really loved it too! And I went to see them with my dad quite a number of years ago, back when their shows were smaller (and they could get away with covering Led Zeppelin). :D

Ugh, I still need to watch Sherlock. I'd start tonight, but I'm way too sleep-deprived. :C And now I'm wondering how often your dad speaks at colleges....

Glad to hear you had fun at Halloween, and good luck with the exchange student! 8D


amphitritie November 11 2010, 19:38:58 UTC
I think every does. It's hard to maintain a steady internet presence. Just kinda come on in bursts. I mean, if anyone DOES somehow manage to be on the internet at a regular rate they either have A) no life or B) great time management skills.

I just discovered the Smiths and oh, I love them SO much! I'm glad your family had fun with TSO, since I certainly did. Led Zeppelin, really? O.O They did do Beatles though which was . . . odd, to say the least.

Dad doesn't do education anymore (still in PR,) so this was just a special occasion for my Model UN club.

Thank you! I hope you had a nice month too.


c0ntrarywise November 15 2010, 01:29:55 UTC
I've been cleaning out my place for when I move (I'm a go-getter) and realised I still had clothes from MIDDLE SCHOOL. I just finished my uni undergrad... I would love my mom to buy me clothes, then maybe I would have stuff that wasn't a decade old :D

TSO!!! Glad you (mostly) enjoyed yourself :)

Also, it sounds like your Halloween was fun, the zombie walk woulda been pretty cool.


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