Title: Art for "In A World Called Catastrophe" Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin Rating: R Warnings: PTSD, Graphic Violence,[Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilery art has an image of a PTSD-induced dream of major character death that never happened.
YOU GOT ME RIGHT THROUGH THE HEART. Ugh. That makes me so happy. I love it when you murder one of the boys. Holy crap the manips. THE MANIPS. Oh my god. The gif is amazing. So so so amazing. I couldn't stop looking at it. The eye one was disturbing in the best way. You are so amazing.
I met an Irish Wolfhound not long ago - friend of my son's has one. The fur texture was very unexpected. The pupster (he was just a puppy lol at 90 lbs. or something) was a sweetheart.
Love the art but dammit that eye is going to give me nightmares. :)
*swallows* Wow, that art sure hits you where it hurts. *deep breath* Where do I begin? The title looks awesome. Very intriguing. Oooh-yes-wants-to-read-that-coooool! But the illustration (and the storyboards, omg, that last one...) kill me dead through the heart. Your art has a way to jump me and slap me in the face with all these feelz. Amazing, amazing, amazing!!
(And congratulations on finishing your art marathon for PL you incredible ninja you! <3)
Comments 40
I met an Irish Wolfhound not long ago - friend of my son's has one. The fur texture was very unexpected. The pupster (he was just a puppy lol at 90 lbs. or something) was a sweetheart.
Love the art but dammit that eye is going to give me nightmares. :)
Sorry for the nightmares! ^___^
And the story boards are full of feels!
Love it!
Thank you so much for the comment!
(And congratulations on finishing your art marathon for PL you incredible ninja you! <3)
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