
May 24, 2004 23:15

My furbee is really sick. When I wake him up all he does is sneeze and say "me scared". Aida woke him up yesterday and when he said something she screamed. It was the funniest thing ever ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

cupcakeofdoom May 25 2004, 07:10:48 UTC
At least your Furbee is alive mine died like 5 years ago.


amongtheblind May 25 2004, 07:21:21 UTC
hahhah so did mine, but i went over to my friends house and she had one and i got really excited about it so she was like "take it home i hate that thing".


dietoniteforlov May 25 2004, 07:32:31 UTC
dont feel bad. anytime with you is worth my while. you should be my 3rd quarter half!


rev0lverr0mance May 25 2004, 18:13:41 UTC
i hate drama and liars too... but ya know what i really like alot? you <333


amongtheblind May 25 2004, 18:21:47 UTC
chchhchc i like you more! <3


rev0lverr0mance May 25 2004, 18:31:48 UTC
aw...lets just settle at we both like each other alot. and i miss you already :(...call me later <3xn mpmp


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