So indie it hurts

Apr 12, 2005 19:59

I was just talking on the phone to my friend, Alex. He is so indie that he will not even admit it. He was actually insulted when I called him indie.

Um, OK, here's his My Space music list:

The Commodores, Manzel, Fox, Equals, Greg Kihn, Hello, Arrow, Cassiano, The Grass Roots, Trooper, Jimmy Castor Bunch, XTC, Joe Jackson, Dr. John, Brian Auger, ( Read more... )

tv, movies, books, alex, popculture, music

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Comments 15

He sounds like a swell guy anonymous April 13 2005, 03:23:25 UTC
Did he come up with the title "So Indie It Hurts" or did you? He sounds like a cross between many different kingdoms of geekdom and heshdom. Not very indie rock, though.


Re: He sounds like a swell guy ammichaels April 13 2005, 03:25:04 UTC
Hahhahahaha -- OK Alex.


Re: He sounds like a swell guy ammichaels April 13 2005, 03:26:03 UTC
PS: now I know your IP address. So there. :-P


Re: He sounds like a swell guy anonymous April 13 2005, 14:15:59 UTC
I wanted you to.


Ever try soy chips? tantric_tea April 13 2005, 15:33:47 UTC
I am not afraid to admit that the Hasslehoff graphic is highly hypnotic.

I don't think Alex is indie, either. Got your back, dude.


Re: Ever try soy chips? ammichaels April 13 2005, 15:35:34 UTC
WTF are soy chips and what has that got to do with anything.

PS: He is *too* indie.


DON'T HASSLE THE HOFF! ammichaels April 13 2005, 19:34:25 UTC
I can't stop looking at that graphic.


indie pie tantric_tea April 13 2005, 17:35:25 UTC
Don’t be snarky about the soy chips. Their relevance is irrelevant and just barely irreverent. I could try to make a case for soy chips being the indie food of this very hour, but that would be lame.

What is indie anyway? I think it might have meant something a couple years ago, but now I dunno. Kinda like how “alternative” meant something 20 years ago.

I be so mega tired. Getting out my ghetto at the Whataburger drive thru after rehearsals last night took its told on my sanity. Me no can write good copy anymore. Me wasted. I’m gonna go sleep in my car now.


Re: indie pie ammichaels April 13 2005, 17:37:57 UTC
Alternative has been co-opted by "mallternative".

Yeah, you must be tired -- you just wrote "took its told".


Re: indie pie staciwriter April 13 2005, 23:07:38 UTC
Actually it's malt-ernative in reference to malt beverages (Colt 45, Zima, Smirnoff Ice) that have taken the adult beverage market by storm. I know you love the word beverage so I'm using the word beverage as much as possible in this post.


Re: indie pie ammichaels April 14 2005, 15:12:41 UTC
Thanks a lot.


nuggest for fires tantric_tea April 13 2005, 17:46:24 UTC
help me fall ocular


Re: nuggest for fires ammichaels April 13 2005, 17:58:58 UTC
Um, I think you have already fallen asleep.


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