Twin Peaks fic: Beds Are Burning [Cooper/Albert]

Jul 14, 2010 17:46

ingridmatthews wrote me a Cooper/Albert fic! Wait For You, which is all kinds of pretty, so go, read, if you haven’t already ( Read more... )

twin peaks, dale cooper, fanfic, albert rosenfield

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Comments 16

jean_c_pepper July 14 2010, 19:20:50 UTC
This was perfect!. This was absolutely wonderful!


amatara July 14 2010, 19:27:47 UTC
Thank you so much!


nemo_everbeing July 14 2010, 21:00:55 UTC
You are the best, man, seriously. Your writing is beautiful, as ever, and your interest in coping mechanisms is especially fascinating here. The way each of them deals, or doesn't deal with these problems is something that anyone writing them should be interested in. It's part of what gives them such interesting dynamics, that often their coping runs in such different directions that they either have huge problems or respect the hell out of the other guy.

Also, on a less writerly note, man but it's nice to have a little sex in this pairing, which, no thanks to me, tends to be pretty chaste. Your philosophical sex was very nice.


amatara July 15 2010, 06:06:39 UTC
Aw, thank you! You know, what I think is the most fun (and one of the biggest challenges) in writing these two, is to tie up all those individual quirks of theirs into a coherent whole, and then use that as something to base the rest of their interactions on. For Albert especially, I suspect a lot of his traits were just the individual writers of the show piling quirks on him they thought might be fun for viewers. Especially in the second season, when we're missing Lynch, the character swerves rather wildly between sardonically grinning bastard and near-total softie, and about the only way I can explain it is by going back to coping/defensive reflexes, every time. :) And I agree, it's a big part of what makes their relationship tick ( ... )


nemo_everbeing July 15 2010, 19:03:11 UTC
Aha! I hadn't seen the stuff at AO3. I stand corrected, but yes, you're right. It's very hard to find fic that has the hot stuff and a really good story at the same time. That's a rare combination, and rarer still to see it done well, so thank you!


amatara July 30 2010, 17:58:04 UTC
I realized just now I completely forgot to thank you for what's probably the loveliest compliment a writer can get! So thanks, coming from you that means a lot to me. (And hope you enjoyed the AO3 stuff. I know I did. :))


la_onza July 14 2010, 23:34:14 UTC
I really like the tension and uncertainty you have going on here - Cooper is a bit of a gambler, and Albert is chancy. That seems absolutely right. :)

I also very much appreciate how you don't work too hard to make Cooper quirky or take him too much at face value - I think those are the really difficult traps to avoid in writing Cooper POV. "Wet" made me laugh and I could totally see and hear him saying that!


amatara July 15 2010, 06:10:49 UTC
Thank you so much! And, well, writing from Cooper's POV is still very much like walking a tightrope to me - capturing what makes him him without overdoing it is, as you said, a pretty tough one. I'm never quite sure if I've managed to hit the mark or not in a fic, so I'm very glad to hear this worked for you!


foster9563 July 17 2010, 23:45:32 UTC
Okay, so we've never spoken before, because I've literally only just gotten into Twin Peaks (two days ago in fact) but I just wanted to tell you how awesome you are.

I'm actually glad I hadn't been in this fandom before now because I ship Albert/Cooper like burning and there's a definite lack of fic for it. So it's like the internet is greeting me, all 'hey look there's awesome fic for your very first Twin Peaks OTP on your very first day of fandom isn't that awesome?' 8D

I don't know if that made sense, but it was a compliment.


amatara July 18 2010, 14:45:43 UTC
Thank you! I'm definitely taking that as a compliment! ;) And yes, Cooper/Albert (or Albert/Cooper or Dale/Albert or Cooper/Rosenfield or whatever you call it - so far, I haven't managed to figure out the 'generally accepted' designation for this pairing, if it even exists :) ) is a rare pairing in a fandom that isn't very fanfic-oriented... But on the other hand, fic about them does exist, and it tends to be very good fic too - have you found some of the online recourses yet? :) Know what, I'll just do a Cooper/Albert rec list! I've been wanting to do that anyway, so you've just provided a great incentive! :) Gimme a minute to collect some links, okay?


foster9563 July 18 2010, 17:35:02 UTC


amatara July 18 2010, 19:43:47 UTC
Recs!!! Right here!

See? No that short a list, after all. :)


maspalio July 18 2010, 10:03:58 UTC
Wow, I really like that one. There's something about the flow of words that's almost... hypnotising. Love that line about stairwells and the way the reader gets carried very naturally from the stairs to the room to the sexy times. I couldn't stop until the end. Kudos.


amatara July 18 2010, 15:01:14 UTC
Thanks! This one was written in a bit of a whirl, it took me just a few days to finish, so that may have helped the flow of the story along. Though I have to admit, it took me a lot longer to get to the 'sexy times' than I'd intended. :) Yay for angsty verbal foreplay!

The stairwell thing - actually, the biggest challenge to this (apart from not chickening out when the sexy stuff had to be written ;)) was to write a Cooper POV that was recognizably him but without forcing it. I was afraid to make him overly quirky, so in the end I just tried to work some Cooperish 'tics' into his thought processes - the counting, the way he's constantly observing and interpreting, his slightly clinical way of dealing with emotions. I'm not sure if it works, if it's enough to make this sound like Cooper, or if it's too subtle, maybe?

(Also, writing the sex bit was great! Maybe I should do that more often. *g*)


maspalio July 20 2010, 16:19:20 UTC
I'm not sure if it works, if it's enough to make this sound like Cooper, or if it's too subtle, maybe?
It worked for me, at least, but then I like subtlety. Too many quirks don't mix well with angst, so it's definitely better that way, imho. Getting into Cooper's thought process can't be easy. I for one have no idea how his brain works - not the same way as a regular brain, I'm sure, but he seems to be able to use it just fine.

(Also, writing the sex bit was great! Maybe I should do that more often. *g*)
Yes. Yes, you should. *g*


amatara July 21 2010, 22:04:44 UTC
Oh, I certainly don't pretend to know how Cooper's brain works! I'm starting to feel like I can mimic some of his reactions, but as for what's behind them, I'm still as stumped as anyone else. :)

Yes. Yes, you should.

Um - actually, I kind of just did. *blushes and points*
Is it very obvious that Cooper/Albert is rather, ah, at the forefront of my mind at the moment? It's not, is it? *whistles innocently*


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