Kiss bingo

Jul 04, 2012 21:43

Now that my spn_j2_bigbang is done, I need a project.

I found my abandoned Kiss Bingo card from many moons ago and thought, summer writing project! My goal for the summer is to write as many prompts as I can with the 1D boys. We shall see how it goes .

Feel free to throw prompts/pairings at me, maybe something will stick.

I am already writing for dream and honeymoon. Yay kissing!

greetings: goodnight

type: dirty

time: first

experimental: blindfold

experimental: hot and cold

location: honeymoon

body: toes

body: chest

emotion: laughter

body: back

body: shoulder

emotion: jealousy


time: young

emotion: love

location: dream

body: wrist

type: French

type: clean

location: in the rain

emotion: surprise

other: punch drunk

other: to put them to sleep

experimental: ice

experimental: shotgun

kiss bingo

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