Every Slayer needs a Watcher! Let's celebrate this truth with stories in a Buffy/Giles ficathon.
Buffy Summers, Slayer, and Rupert Giles, Watcher. Together the way... fate? destiny? annoying people at the Council of Watchers? pure accident? intended them to be. Which, apart from being a little weird, is kind of okay.
This is a standard matchups ficathon. You'll sign up with prompts for the story you'd like written for you, and a description of what you're able to write. You'll receive an assignment to write for another person. On the due date, I'll post the masterlist here in
allthejellies. You'll post your story wherever you like (in this comm would be cool), and comment to the masterlist with a link. I'll add your story to the master list. Reading pleasure will follow.
This is a Buffy/Giles ficathon, so the pairing is assumed. Friendship fic is welcomed as well, if you prefer that. If the relationship between the two is front and center, you're doing it right.
Keep in mind that you're prompting your assignee to nudge the muse into action. Don't over-specify. Also, we're pretending the season 8 comics don't exist unless you specifically say they do in your signup.
Manipulation by
Wicked Fox. Every Slayer Needs A Watcher: a Buffy/Giles ficathon for 2008.
now: signups open
January 20: signups close
January 27: assignments sent
March 2: stories due (5 weeks to write!)
Minimum story length: 750 words.
January 2008
S M Tu W Th F S
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February 2008
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March 2008
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30 31
How to Sign Up
Copy and paste this sign-up form into a comment along with your answers:
Your name:
Your email:
A brief prompt OR three things you want:
Two things you don't want:
Highest rating you'd prefer:
Things you can't write:
Highest rating you're willing to write:
Would you write comics canon?
Anything else I should know?
ETA: Signups are now closed (as of Jan 22). Assignments will be sent soon.