Last we saw, the founder (my selfsim) died, her second child, Leo, became heir and married Andrea hogan, a sorely Legacy-neglected resident of Pleasantview. Jane was born and grew into an adorable toddler and Philippe was born...but then the update ended.
I love this toddler. What's up with the no-face dog in the background?
Whimsy...not so much.
Elsewhere in the background: Lake Dogpee
Wake up, Jane, it's time for you to grow up and start having responsibilities.
So, forget this baby face.
And get used to this one!
You'll grow accustomed to it, just wait.
Death crashes birthday parties in this house all the time.
o_O @ Grimmie in the changing table...
Looking to soothe his heart from his father's death, Leo bangs Hera in the hot tub while his fiancee sleeps fitfully 20 feet away.
Solution 1 to aging up a baby: let it poo.
When that fails...
Try the cake.
*sigh* and when the cake fails?
Chuck the kid on the floor and let him grow himself up.
One way or another, the kid grew up.
Did we need a closeup?
I don't like him.
GO AWAY, Philippe!
Right. So. Andrea was having a horrible pregnancy. This third kid was about to kill her.
She kept falling asleep in her food.
OK, here's the part where you get used to Jane's features. Why? Because I realised, while taking this picture, she looks like a
certain famous person. Take a look, compare. I think it's hilarious.
Learn from Leo: exhausted toddlers are HILARIOUS.
There was a SONIC BOOM of all four puppies bursting into adulthood at once, which has never happened to me. Please ignore the structure of the porch, I encountered a small glitch while building it to accommodate four dog beds. It will never look this heinous again. FYI the modular stairs were causing an issue in which I couldn't level terrain that was perfectly flat...
They were all different, too, so here is your dog spam.
and May. They're all awesome, even if I did spend a lot of time training them just to have
this guy pick them all up within 5 minutes.
Andrea, I swear this is the last baby. I had just gotten her plumbob up to yellow. She spent most of her third trimester with her face in a poptart.
I just think this is funny.
And Kathleen has GREEN EYES! Every eye gene so far is represented this generation *grin* and they're all recessive.
Leo wanted to sex three different people. The want was in his panel for AGES.
They wrapped up just in time for Andrea to come home from work.
"So, I just had my third child, doesn't my body look firm and tight?"
"You guys have kids?"
"So that's who all the people are in your house!"
"I spent all night running from the cops. Part of my job, you know."
"Your husband did me doggy-style to celebrate Enter From Behind Day." (Oct 18, when I played this entire update)
"How come he doesn't do that with me?"
"All I get is 'Andrea, when are you going to get promoted?'"
"I cupped his balls, too."
Grim came again. Bellerophon was getting old, so I expected this.
Whimsy helped make room for the third generation of puppies. I don't know which two these are, but there were three and they were all white.
[aside]OMG how long is this update?[\aside]
Will Leo be an awkward child? Only the next few pictures will tell!
Yeah, he kind of looks like a troll.
This update is so full of joy I could burst. Please note that is NOT a townie tombstone in the background, it's L&D in case something glitches out on me.
Aphrodite. Perfect for Leo's crazy Romance-isms.
By the way, guess who's pregnant! With
a god who has a thing for redheads...
Kathleen is cute, but I don't think she'll quite measure up to the fondness I already have for Ashlee Jane. Plus, Jane's the oldest, so that makes it easier :D
Yep, more dog deaths.
I don't know.
The puppies grew up YAAAAAAAYYYYY! Ahem. This is...Fezzik and Buttercup.
And this is Rugen!
This was their animal control officer...he only took Fezzik and Rugen.
Oh Maxis clothes, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways ONE ONE THOUSAND TWO ONE THOUSAND
Since Jane neglected the cake, I had Kathleen grow up, too. Why bother with a toddler for one more day?
I hope I captured her retro attitude.
I like when I don't get clones. Looking at this picture again, it appears I forgot to 'design' the archway. Once I found that design tool, I went NUTS. It's great!
So, Dorothy gave birth. I knew exactly which eye and hair colours to expect, so those weren't a surprise.
However, I forgot I still had my albino skin in from the
Hendersons. (I have skinsets that I swap)
So that's all you have this update: birthdays and deaths. And more deaths. *shrug* sorry
Just a reminder that I'm pimping my sims! Any sims you would like to have, drop me a line in
this entry. You can have Greek Gods, Hendersons, or Selfsims!
*Super Ultra Bonus Picture*
Townie kid taking a bath on the front lawn during a birthday party? Priceless