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Casula, Philipp and Perovic, Jeronim (eds)
Identities and Politics During the Putin Presidency
The Foundations of Russia's Stability With a foreword by Heiko Haumann
in collaboration with Ivo Mijnssen
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About the Authors 9
Acknowledgments 15
Foreword by H. Haumann 17
The Stabilisation of Russia during the Putin Presidency: Critical Reflections J. Perovic, P. Casula 19
I Discourses in Russian Politics
Populism in Context D. Howarth 31
Dislocation in Context A. Norval, I. Mijnssen 39
Political and National Identity in Russia: Developments in Russian Political Thought in the 1990s P. Casula 47
II Regime Type and National Identity
What Kind of Political Regime Does Russia Have? H.-H. Schröder 67
Russian Political Discourse in the 1990s: Crisis of Identity and Conflicting Pluralism of Ideas O. Malinova 94
Russian “Sovereign Democracy”: A Powerful Ideological Discourse in a Quasi-Authoritarian Regime N. Hayoz 112
Varieties of Post-Communist Nationalisms in Eastern Europe K. Müller, A. Pickel 135
Russian Nationalism and Xenophobia L. Gudkov 158
III Sovereign Democracy and its Competitors
Sovereign Democracy as a Discourse of Russian Identity V. Hudson 176
Sovereignty and Democracy in Contemporary Russia: A Modern Subject Faces the Post-Modern World V. Morozov 198
Ordering Chaos: Russian Neo-Fascist Articulation Z. Bowden 235
IV Symbols and the Past
The Symbolic Politics of the Putin Administration I. Kurilla 255
An Old Myth for a New Society I. Mijnssen 270
Russia in Plural: (Re)Constructing Otherness, (De)Constructing Power A. Makarychev 292
Rethinking Identification With the Hegemonic Discourse of a “Strong Russia” Through Laclau and Mouffe M. Müller 313
V Outside Perspectives
The View from Elsewhere: Western Mediation of Potential Sources of Russian Dislocation in the 1990s F. Macgilchrist 334
“Europe” and “Russia” in Ukraine’s Narratives on National Identity: Historical and Cultural Myths S. Kobzar 355
Constructing or De-Constructing Democracy? The Geopolitical Context of Ukraine’s Democratic Choice S. Glebov 376
Index 390