Fic - it's a means to an end (Nate/Sophie) - NC-17

Sep 05, 2012 19:23

Title:  it's a means to an end
Author:  alinaandalion
Rating:  NC-17
Spoilers:  Up through 5x07, "The Real Fake Car Job"
Summary:  There is a difference between then and now.  It's just hard to untangle it all at times.
Notes:  Written for abvj because she has been the best beta ever.  And because Nate and Sophie are being so ridiculously functional and amazing right ( Read more... )

rating: nc-17, nate/sophie, romance, leverage, angst, drama, fanfiction, sophie devereaux, nathan ford

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Comments 2

abvj September 16 2012, 19:20:28 UTC
This is so incredible. I think I've read it three times just because the first time I was a fangirl mess and the second time I was stunned and the third time I finally began to comprehend just how great this is. IT MAKES ME SO RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY THAT IT IS ALL MINE. You just capture these two so brilliant, all their complexities and nuances, and the way they are constantly hold each other at arms length whilst simultaneously letting the other in and it just so beautiful.

And the fact that you ended it with that dialogue is so perfect and spot-on because it has taken them so long to get to that point, it has taken Nate so long to get to that point, and it just a flawless ending to a flawless fic.

Thank you so, so, SO much for this.


alinaandalion September 16 2012, 22:06:16 UTC

... )


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