Title: At A Loss (Bryce & Sarah Talk)
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Chapter: 7/9
Rating: N/C 17
Pairings: Chuck/Casey; Some Bryce/Sara; Morgan/Alex; Ellie/Devon
Warnings: Language, Smut, Angst
Spoilers: All of Chuck up through series finale, somewhat...
Summary: Something is going on with Chuck and Casey and Sarah has no idea what is wrong...
Link To First Part:
http://alexisk11.livejournal.com/2867.html ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Upon meeting up with each other and talking about what the other found out, Bryce and Sarah felt much better. They knew now that this could be, and would be fixed. Hell it was an easy fix.
If those two damn stubborn people would have just opened up to each other none of this would have happened in the first place. Although, it is part of the job to keep things like that to yourself. This is one of the times the two CIA agents really, really hated this job.
This would be ok though. This would be fixed as soon as Sarah went and talked with Chuck. She knew he would be able to get Casey to open up again, he would be the only one who could. Finally Sarah knew exactly what needed to be done.
Link To Next Part: