Title: At A Loss (Sarah's Talk With Casey)
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Chapter: 6/9
Rating: N/C 17
Pairings: Chuck/Casey; Some Bryce/Sara; Morgan/Alex; Ellie/Devon
Warnings: Language, Smut, Angst
Spoilers: All of Chuck up through series finale, somewhat...
Summary: Something is going on with Chuck and Casey and Sarah has no idea what is wrong...
Link To First Part:
http://alexisk11.livejournal.com/2867.html ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
After hearing Casey recount the story sounding hollow and empty the whole time, Sarah knew she had to do something to take this pain away from him. She hoped her partner got something out of Chuck because if not, she was going to. Casey was already shutting himself off again. It would break them all if he did that and she wasn't going to let that happen. Casey insisted that he had to, that it was either lose Chuck's friendship too, (most likely along with every body else's), or have Chuck figure out he broke Casey's heart and to Casey, that wasn't an option. That would break Chuck and Casey couldn't bear to see that.
Sarah couldn't bear to see either Casey or Chuck this way any longer. Something, anything needed to be done here. This life took so much from all of them, it was time that they got something from it. Sarah hated leaving Casey alone but she knew she had to go meet Bryce if they had any chance of fixing, whatever it is this was. Sarah Walker was pretty sure she knew what happened now, but she needed Chuck's side of the story so she wasn't at a complete loss at how to move forward and handle this.
Author Note: There will be two to three more parts to this...
Link To Next Part: