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Comments 20

monarchist March 14 2012, 23:08:00 UTC



alexdonnelly March 14 2012, 23:13:16 UTC
Oh man. I don't know if I can take it, Amber. ;_____;

I need Fukubuchou strength ASAP.


monarchist March 14 2012, 23:18:56 UTC
I can barely handle rewatching Tezuka v Atobe in Tenimyu, seeing Sanada get hurt is going to take all my Tezuka-like stoicism.



alexdonnelly March 14 2012, 23:28:08 UTC

/activates tenipuri powers

Look at them all. It's unfair how amazing he is.


animeo March 14 2012, 23:33:32 UTC
This episode made me have so many feelings mostly being angry at little british boys being douche canoes to baby!Atobe they were just jealous of his cuteness >.>

SANADA!!!! YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!!! O______________________________O MORE FEELINGS....


alexdonnelly March 15 2012, 03:55:25 UTC
I never understand all the tennis bullies in tenipuri. There were no bullies in my school or neighborhood. But you know, Atobe became as strong and determined as he is now partly because of those bastards.



animeo March 15 2012, 04:56:17 UTC
True True...so they had a purpose in their terrible lives....

This series makes me hate being a girl with the amount of feelings it makes me feel >_


alexdonnelly March 15 2012, 13:18:45 UTC
Everyone has something. They should feel honored to served some purpose in Atobe's life.

I'd probably still have all the feelings if I were a boy. Sanada's just that powerful.


roni_minton March 15 2012, 06:59:14 UTC
I have yet to watch this one. But from all the Sanada pics all I can think of is "He may be 15, but he is 100% MAN!"

Also looks like we have an eye patch reason there...


alexdonnelly March 15 2012, 13:20:34 UTC
Ah, I hope you're not disappointed, but those Sanada shots are all from the preview for next week's episode. And yes, 100% MAN!

I don't know if I can take seeing him get hurt like that. HE NEEDS HIS BEAUTIFUL EYES.


perkyandproud March 15 2012, 07:03:55 UTC
*uses Atobe-vision to check out next week's episode early*

Oh! That makes sense! See, he was playing tennis on that mountain and a bug flew into his eye! Scratched the cornea...takes a couple of weeks to heal but he'll be fine!

*looks to see if you believe me...*

Happy TsudaKen Day!!

*hugs you*


alexdonnelly March 15 2012, 13:21:09 UTC
Ahaha, thanks for trying, Perky.



ice_archeress March 15 2012, 20:09:51 UTC
I haven't seen ep 11 yet but I no longer have a burning desire to watch it as soon as possible, orz.

But I also hate Irie, I heard he's slightly less annoying in the anime but I still can't supress my desire to go ewwwww everytime I see his face. If possible, I hate Ryoma more in Shinpuri, orz. I also hate Yamato, like WTH, why is his tennis move something that seems like a ripoff of Niou's?? //hate

I'm also pissed off that I'll need to buy the DVD to see Kirihara's match but I guess I expected that. I need to spend some money on Tenipuri merch this weekend. It might make me less tempermental lol.


alexdonnelly March 15 2012, 23:17:26 UTC
I actually kind of liked episode 11, but I was upset we'll have to pay to see those matches. I feel jipped.

I don't know why, but I'm seeing Echizen as more of a person now. I used to just kind of hate him. Now I just don't care. BRING ON RIKKAI.

Tenipuri merch always makes me feel better. :D I just got some random PoT playing cards but I'm sure they're actually licensed. (The art is all from bromides and the like.) =\ BUT Kirihara is the Ace of hearts. XD

Edited because I fail. D:


ice_archeress March 16 2012, 00:58:27 UTC
Lots of Atobe will make me happy! It's such a ripoff to have to buy the dvds to see the episodes. It's not as if it's a reasonable price to content ratio, it's over 4000 yen! OTL. Lots of anime dvds are bundling dvd only specials but they're usually not IMPORTANT content, lol. It's usually only some filler thing that has little to no effect on the main storyline, orz.

Lol, I kind of went the reverse. I used to like Ryoma but now everytime he opens his mouth, I'm just ughhhhh.

Oooh, Tenipuri playing cards. I don't think I could actually use them to play. XD haha, Kirihara's the ace of hearts? 8D He's totally the ace of MY heart! *shot*


alexdonnelly March 16 2012, 01:46:54 UTC
Exactly. They're withholding some of the most important matches. I'll probably buy at least one of them anyway. I'm such a weak fangirl. OTL

Ahahaa I knew you'd like that. XD Sanada's the four of clubs. ?! Whatever. I'll probably use them as bookmarks or something. Do you have any specific goodies you plan to buy? :D


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