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Трампа бросили все сколько-нибудь значимые сторонники. А на тысяче клоунах, которые даже оружие "забыли" взять революцию не сделать, тут нужна надежная, пусть и маленькая партия и свой матрос Железняк :( Это балабол Керенский, которого сбросили вдруг ожививщиеся монархисты.
Разумеется, Республиканская партия уже не годится в качестве организационной опоры Трампу. Ему (и силам стоящим за ним) нужен новый политический проект.
Рождению проекта может поспособствовать какой-нибудь "большой шухер". Например, резкое ухудшение экономической ситуации при почти единоличном правлении Демократов.
I'm glad you checked out my blog after a long hiatus. There is a kind of magic that the Internet allows years later to continue a discussion again. There are several US citizens on my Facebook feed, but you seem to be only of my online American friends who has confessed to supporting Trump. They are all for Biden, or rather against Trump. Perhaps it is just feature for the American Facebook audience. I have always watched with interest international politics, especially the situation in the United States, since Trump was elected in 2016. Our global world is too small, everything is interconnected.
I can image what a difficult choice thoughtful Americans had to make in 2016 and even more so in 2020.
Truly unprecedented things are happening during these years. It is difficult to say what development they will have in the future. Definitely, these will be serious world outlook changes.
Comments 14
Система категоризации Живого Журнала посчитала, что вашу запись можно отнести к категории: Политика.
Если вы считаете, что система ошиблась - напишите об этом в ответе на этот комментарий. Ваша обратная связь поможет сделать систему точнее.
команда ЖЖ.
Это балабол Керенский, которого сбросили вдруг ожививщиеся монархисты.
I'm glad you checked out my blog after a long hiatus. There is a kind of magic that the Internet allows years later to continue a discussion again. There are several US citizens on my Facebook feed, but you seem to be only of my online American friends who has confessed to supporting Trump. They are all for Biden, or rather against Trump. Perhaps it is just feature for the American Facebook audience. I have always watched with interest international politics, especially the situation in the United States, since Trump was elected in 2016. Our global world is too small, everything is interconnected.
I can image what a difficult choice thoughtful Americans had to make in 2016 and even more so in 2020.
Truly unprecedented things are happening during these years. It is difficult to say what development they will have in the future. Definitely, these will be serious world outlook changes.
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