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Comments 5

probing_grays July 27 2010, 16:40:03 UTC
Oh god, you know you're crazy when even the KKK doesn't want to be affiliated with you.


albatrossities July 27 2010, 16:48:40 UTC
IKR? I love these crazy bastards (in that way where it's not so much 'love' as it is 'a strong desire to kick their faces in'). Endless source of amusement for me. They are THAT crazy.


unstoppablei July 27 2010, 17:25:47 UTC
Hahaha the WBC is like the dorky kid that gets picked last in gym class, and then all the other kids throw dodgeballs at his face.

But seriously: How is the KKK still around? Then again, there is a group that honestly believes the world is flat, so I guess there's really no hitting bottom when it comes to idiots...


emo_dj_steph July 27 2010, 18:30:51 UTC
Hahahaha, wtf? You know you're all sorts of fucked up when the KKK doesn't want to even be associated with you.


justsomehippie July 28 2010, 01:09:14 UTC
No, Alex. That's the Kool Kids Klub. God, they're all like five.

What's wrong with you?


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