Covenant: Chapter 32 - Transcendence

Dec 03, 2007 22:32

~Chapter 32~

Rukia: *bursts into tears*

Kira: He did it! I was right… ohh!

Shuuhei: I knew he could!

Rukia: *sniffles* Nii-sama, you were wonderful!

Byakuya: Simply doing my part to rectify the situation.

Akuni: Everyone’s just so overwhelmed right now, I think we’ll cut this short.


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renji/ichigo, fanart, fanfic, covenant, bleach, amaranthine

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Comments 79

hweein February 13 2008, 04:13:37 UTC
OH YES!!!!! *so happy that she goes mad*

thank you! thank you!!! XD now i can go and attend my lessons in peace.

byakuya rocksXD and lol *babbles off- so much to say*


hweein February 13 2008, 04:13:59 UTC
whee i commented firstXD


niyaka February 13 2008, 04:15:30 UTC
hey - you just barely beat me :) cool


hweein February 13 2008, 04:20:13 UTC
lol nyaha!


niyaka February 13 2008, 04:14:56 UTC
Yay! Does happy dance for Ichigo's return. Great stuff.

Oddly enough, my favorite line was about the toothpaste. It's so true. Stuck without it for every a little while, and nothing makes you feel new again... well, maybe not nothing...


akuni February 13 2008, 04:16:52 UTC
Ichigo's back! Hurraaaaaaaaay!

I thought the toothpaste bit was a nice touch. If you've ever had to go without proper hygiene for a while, you really appreciate it when you get it again!


niyaka February 13 2008, 04:20:45 UTC
I am nervous to see how the grief hits. When Unohana mentioned that, my thought, "Oh no! Can't they just enjoy being back together again?" But the wise woman is right - they never did cave, and that was a tremendous pressure put upon our poor boys. But then again, I imagine that a little smexy action could clear that concern right up :)


akuni February 13 2008, 04:22:39 UTC
Their faith is astounding. They never wavered, not even an inch. *wibbles*

Smexy action is always a good thing. :)


evanelric February 13 2008, 04:18:04 UTC
Wow. I am so happy for them. It's all kind of surreal still, a little, even though I was expecting it. I was kind of scared Ichigo would be worse off when he came through, so there's a lot of relief about that. And Byakuya is still awesome. Also, I still think Yamamoto should be lynched. Everyone's gonna be pissed at him for not going and looking for Ichigo. Stupid jerk. But yay for Renji and Ichigo. :)


akuni February 13 2008, 04:21:05 UTC
Yes, they're in a bit of shock, too. Yay for Renji and Ichigo!


madrona_8 February 13 2008, 04:24:51 UTC
**Sniff** HE'S BACK HOME!!!
I'm so happy I could scream. Yes, INXS is perfect for this. I don't even need to listen 'cause it's one of my all time faves!!!
They'll be dealing with a little more post traumatic stress, but nothing that they can't handle together.


akuni February 13 2008, 04:29:43 UTC

I adore that song, and it is so incredibly right for this story.

There's nothing they can't handle, together. ♥ Gah! :D *happy overload*


madrona_8 February 13 2008, 05:23:05 UTC
I have to admit, now that I've thought about it, I don't understand the grieving for what might have been lost. I never did take psychology in college so...this is a little beyond me. I really see Ichigo having more issues than Renji. People wrote him off.


akuni February 13 2008, 14:25:46 UTC
Hmm, I'm not really sure how to explain it. I'll have to let the final chapter do the talking for me. :)


platedlizard February 13 2008, 04:27:42 UTC
See these tears? Me. Crying. Which I never, ever do over something I read. In public no less.

Awesome chapter.

OT Edit: Also? Am I the only one who thinks they would be awesome parents? I think these two should adopt a couple higher-district Rukongai kids.


akuni February 13 2008, 04:33:10 UTC
Tears make me incredibly happy. I'm pretty misty myself. I wanted this chapter to be so many things, and it was so important that I get it right. I'm very pleased with it, because it does exactly what I want it to. Waiting to share it with everyone was so difficult, especially with all the angst that came before, but I think it is worth it in the end. :)

I'm so proud to have made you cry. Sorry about the 'in public' thing, though. :)


platedlizard February 13 2008, 04:41:09 UTC
I'm a girl so I'm allowed to cry, lol.

One thing that amused me was this exchange:

Unohana looked at him consideringly. “You and Abarai-taichou are two of the worst patients I’ve ever had. I know if I try to keep you here you’ll just be unhappy and make trouble. I also know that if I let you go home, you will obey my instructions precisely, because you are aware of the consequences if you do not.”

“Yes, Unohana-taichou.”

“Very well, then.” She crossed the room silently and opened the door. “Abarai-taichou, please come in.”

The way Ichigo says 'Yes, Unohana-taichou' sounds in my head rather like the way I might say 'Yes, Ma'am.' Respectful and a tad (more than a tad) submissive. On the other hand the way she refers to Renji as "Abarai-taichou" sounds to me just like my mom using my full name. He'd better listen, or else. LOL

Captain Mom FTW!


akuni February 13 2008, 04:44:30 UTC
*laughing delightedly and hands over cookies* You've pegged that bit exactly right. Ichigo is very much "Yes Ma'am.", and Unohana is totally ready to lay down the law with Renji, too.

Captain Mom FTW indeed! *cheers for Unohana* She can put anyone in their place - even Ken-chan!


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