I really must update some of the information on my user info. And now that I think about it I need some user icons. If anybody has any user icons they would like to suggest or make for me then feel free to. As for user info, I guess that one is all left up to me
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Comments 13
i say go to see her. what's the worst that could happen? you'll never know what'll happen until you try. good luck on that.
That was a great book. The opening chapters just sucked me in so well. Before I knew it I had read half of it in the book store before even buying it. It was a very sad book.
Thank you for my tastes in music. What bands in particular did you like?
I know. I should see her. It is that leap of faith that is so scary though. I know that once I start to plunge it will probably work out fine, I will even myself out.
Thank you.
you're welcome :). i likedddd: bright eyes, conor oberst of course, cursive, death cab, jets to brazil, joy division, mars volta, massive attack, nirvana, taking back sunday, and the shins :).
and i've been wanting to read the fuck up; i'm assuming it's good since it's in your interests.
sometimes letting go of the bars around you is the hardest part, but once you let go and are out in the air..you figure out how to fly and remain stable.
you're welcome :).
I really liked that book, especially back in my hardest of times. I don't really know why but it made me feel better.
I went and saw her yesterday. I will probably update about it soon. I might not have time today, Zeke and Ash are coming for a surprise visit.
There's a lot of things in life that any person can't actually do. You just have to look at it, take a deep breath, and do it anyway. Water slides, for me.
Once in a Japanese restaraunt with some friends, I was dared to eat this fried squid. Now, it was fried, but with no batter. Just cooked. And it wasn't "squid legs" or something. No, it was a whole tiny squid. Suckers and all. Not for the life of me could I eat it. So I did the only thing I could do, which was throw it in the air and catch it in my mouth, and chew/swallow. I don't know why, but it worked. It's a metaphor, man.
And yeah, fried squid = gross. But calamari can be nice.
My man spalacka seems to always be right. She could be different. Whether or not she is, "the closer" is exactly the right phrase to use. You've got to put this thing down. Dress comfortably, and have somewhere to be in a hurry to get to afterwards.
Sorry for the long post after such a long absence. I'm in one of those talkative moods.
Put it down to rest? That doesn't sound like a bad plan at all. And since I have been gone for so long a lie should be rather easy to conjure up for my exit.
No bother at all. I liked what you had to say and thank you for it.
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