the joys and perils of making t-shirts

Jul 26, 2005 15:23

this morning i was in a coffeeshop trying to cut a stencil for a t-shirt that i'm planning on silkscreening... while nitpicking over some detail, i dropped my x-acto knife on the ground, chipping off the tip of the blade. "no problem," i thought, "you have a box of almost 100 replacement blades in your classroom ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

incarnadine_ich July 31 2005, 13:04:03 UTC
the tee shirts that you showed me rocked. i wish i had done more of that stuff when i was younger. btw... (not definite buuut...) might be back in nyc around late october. you will be around?


ailb_to_zilb August 2 2005, 15:25:57 UTC
thanks, sweetie. it's never too late... we could try making a shirt next time you visit. :-) speaking of which...

i should be here in late october. it'd be great to see you again! as always, you are welcome to stay at my house. if you can stick around til nov 6, you could even come to my birthday dinner again. i think we're having turkish food this time. this year is going to be extra random because my dad will be in town that weekend--he's running the nyc marathon (!!?!). i hope i'm that healthy when i get to be his age.

anyway, keep me posted if you're coming, ok? xoxo


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